“RADIO CANADA” — VE7KFM — Being Stalked by Brian L. CROW K3VR
My name is Karol [pronounced Ka’rol]. Karol Florian MADERA, hence my Canadian amateur radio ~vanity call-sign: VE7KFM.
+++ Psycho Brian CROW K3VR Finally Got BUSTED by the FCC +++
Brian 'Cue-Ball' CROW K3VR c.2004
For my personal background — which informs my early interest in radio and in part shaped my character and thus explains some of what is recounted/happening herein — click HERE.
Depending on how/where you came across this Website, you may be asking: what’s this all about, in a nutshell?
Unfortunately, that’s not an easy question to answer, especially briefly….
Or, much more importantly, you might be interested in getting a quick ‘heads up’ on Brian L. CROW K3VR because he also has beenstalking/threatening/harassing you and/or your family….
In that case I strongly suggest that you quickly:
- Peruse this Front Page at least as far as my signature [about a third of the way down this page].
- Lightly peruse The Life of Riley for the recent historical background and Brian CROW’s increasing involvement in this [up to ~2007].
- Very lightly peruse The Life of Brian consisting of 1,000+ comments/quotations about Brian CROW, in easy-to-read bullet form [up to the ~present].
- Lightly peruse Brian CROW K3VR in his OWN Psychotic Words consisting exclusively of quotations by Brian CROW, in easy-to-readbullet form [up to the ~present].
- Lightly peruse Brian CROW is a Sexual Deviant, Paedophile & Coprophiliac consisting of quotations by/about Brian CROW, in easy-to-read bullet form [up to the ~present].
- Laura SMITH’s Famous e-mail to Randy BEST W7CPA & Gang [see its gravamen near the bottom of this Front Page]
- Peruse Brian CROW K3VR's recent Notice of Apparent Liability & Forfeiture Order
- Lightly peruse Mike GUERNSEY KZ8O/nd8V's recent Notice of Apparent Liability & Forfeiture Order
MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you’re also being stalked/threatened/harassed by Brian CROW and his Gang, don’t forget to CONTACT YOUR POLICE IMMEDIATELY!
Because if you don’t, Brian probably will — and pre-emptively ‘poison the well’ for you with the typically gullible doughnut-eaters, especially Post-9/11….
Or worse, he will actually FRAUDulently send police to your door — sometimes using the ‘tender mercies’ of a SWAT or equivalent team of thugs — as he has to-date done to others [names available], hoping to have you shot/arrested/charged on his various and sundry ‘put up jobs’ — up to/including “terrorism” and conveniently unsolved, brutal local MURDERS [ß as he has tried to do with me generally and on this one in particular]!
And then, Brian will ‘crow’ on-air and on the WWW that police have been to your door! You get the picture….
For Brian CROW K3VR & Gang this passes for “fun” in amateur [HAM] radio today — and why Brian arguably has a better than 50/50 chance of getting killed — hopefully slowly, but soon….
Names of the latest handful of police and related departments thus involved and especially ‘snookered’ — in addition to the discredited/incompetent FCC, US State Department & FBI and on the Canadian side Industry Canada, RCMP & CSIS all of whom are laying low for cause — available on request assuming, unlike most of them, that you DON’T have shit-for-brains and are security cleared at least to RUMOUR…. ‘Laying low’, above, in part because ‘iconic’ organizations that supposedly “always get their man” don’t readily admit, if they do at all — that they may have been ‘had’/conned/played for a sucker — especially by an adept psychotic HAMereekan CB quasi-mongoloid idiot, such as Brian CROW….
If you think that what I just wrote, above and what follows on this Front Page is hyperbole — THINK AGAIN — especially if you’re beingstalked/threatened/harassed by Brian CROW and/or his BAD BULLY ex-COP partner-in-crime Tom WHATLEY N1FM the former N1SOB [ßsic]!
And don’t just rely on me…. Accurately research/ask Glenn BAXTER K1MAN for example [no friend of mine — but neither an enemy], to explain what Brian previously and similarly did to him for years and is doing to him still:
“We really don't know very much about Brian Crow, K3VR. Drop his name or his alleged company (Stockbridge Consulting - no letterhead) into a search engine, and nothing comes up. Brian (or who we know as Brian) says he was with NSA, and they create fictitious people all the time. Identity theft is also quite common these days. Perhaps he is in the witness protection program or his name was taken off of a tombstone and he is not Brian Crow at all. Would the REAL Brian Crow, K3VR, please stand up? Has anyone ever seen Brian personally? Has anyone ever snapped a picture of Brian? Has he ever attended a hamfest? Does he have a phone number? K3VR@hotmail.com is not exactly traceable, now is it? Has anybody stopped at his FCC listed address to see what is there? He dropped his own web site years ago (it showed more than a passing interest in little boys), and now he creates many free anonymous pages, all about K1MAN. He seems to create dozens of anonymous E-Mail addresses as well and sends me stuff all the time (I assume it is Brian).
He E-Mails me several times daily from K3VR@hotmail.com and then turns me in as SPAM when I reply! What's with that?
Drop K3VR in a search engine and all that comes up is K1MAN stuff!
On the air, Brian appears to lack the ability to copy CW although listed in the FCC data base as an Extra. NSA types would have no problem getting a ham license by fraud. Brian appears to know little or nothing about electronics or amateur radio theory. On QRZ he has a photo of a big Eimac tube, yet he has never built an amplifier. What's that all about?
He creates phony "experts" like "Dr. Hasenfus" (an attorney who also does not come up when dropped into a search engine) when a real expert would do just as well, and he even authored a printed nasty letter about K1MAN to the editor in local Maine newspapers by pretending to be from Manchester, Maine. He has filed complaints about K1MAN to the Maine and Illinois professional engineering boards, the Maine Attorney General, Maine State Senators and Representatives, the FCC, Vermont Academy, the SEC, the FTC, etc., etc. ad infinitum. He has a copy of my University of Rhode Island engineering school transcript. How did he come by that?
He sometimes writes with third grade grammar and yet claims to have a Master's in Education from the University of Massachusetts. He is K1MAN's number one detractor, and I am flattered by all the attention. The FBI says that such extensive activity is usually paid for by some organization with lots of money and an axe to grind. Who would pay Brian to stalk K1MAN? ARRL? The FCC? The CIA? NSA? The telecommunications industry wanting to grab amateur radio [spectrum]? Walter Cronkite? Who?
Perhaps the FBI is wrong. Perhaps Brian Crow, K3VR, is just a super sick "wannabe" with a legitimate Master's of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts who obtained his ham ticket by fraud (quite easy really).
I forgive you Brian.
73 and GL de K1MAN.”
He E-Mails me several times daily from K3VR@hotmail.com and then turns me in as SPAM when I reply! What's with that?
Drop K3VR in a search engine and all that comes up is K1MAN stuff!
On the air, Brian appears to lack the ability to copy CW although listed in the FCC data base as an Extra. NSA types would have no problem getting a ham license by fraud. Brian appears to know little or nothing about electronics or amateur radio theory. On QRZ he has a photo of a big Eimac tube, yet he has never built an amplifier. What's that all about?
He creates phony "experts" like "Dr. Hasenfus" (an attorney who also does not come up when dropped into a search engine) when a real expert would do just as well, and he even authored a printed nasty letter about K1MAN to the editor in local Maine newspapers by pretending to be from Manchester, Maine. He has filed complaints about K1MAN to the Maine and Illinois professional engineering boards, the Maine Attorney General, Maine State Senators and Representatives, the FCC, Vermont Academy, the SEC, the FTC, etc., etc. ad infinitum. He has a copy of my University of Rhode Island engineering school transcript. How did he come by that?
He sometimes writes with third grade grammar and yet claims to have a Master's in Education from the University of Massachusetts. He is K1MAN's number one detractor, and I am flattered by all the attention. The FBI says that such extensive activity is usually paid for by some organization with lots of money and an axe to grind. Who would pay Brian to stalk K1MAN? ARRL? The FCC? The CIA? NSA? The telecommunications industry wanting to grab amateur radio [spectrum]? Walter Cronkite? Who?
Perhaps the FBI is wrong. Perhaps Brian Crow, K3VR, is just a super sick "wannabe" with a legitimate Master's of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts who obtained his ham ticket by fraud (quite easy really).
I forgive you Brian.
73 and GL de K1MAN.”
Also, just for giggles, see for example Brian CROW & Gang’s remaining chief ‘spoofs’ about K1MAN on the Internet:k1manthefool.blogspot.com/ and www.k1man.net — NOT to be confused with Glenn’s own www.K1MAN.com.
And mark well the more recent words, again, for a partial example only, of:
Fred LLOYD AA7BQ owner/operator of QRZ.com — Glenn K1MAN’s years-long bitter enemy and subsequently, mine — from a 2007 e-mail, before he ran Brian CROW off QeerZ:
“K3VR is a bait-trolling bastard who gets his kicks out of pissing people off.
The worst, no make that the "absolute worst" thing you can do with respect to Brian is to respond to his crap….
Brian is a shit head…. we all hate his antics….
Yes, we do need to run him off….
I'm going to review him (again, for the 10th time) and talk it over with the staff. We'll keep you posted.”
Or Ed OSWALD W3DUB who, despite being a relative ‘newbie’ [then as KB3JGU], journalist and ‘budding Pennsylvania politician’, has been a quick learner, especially after Brian started to Cyber-Stalk him and his grandmother [!]:
“Much of what has been posted about me has been at best, a half-truth, and at worst, a complete falsity. But take fair warning -- once you take these folks on, it takes nothing short of law enforcement involvement to get them to stop bothering you (I know first hand, unfortunately).”
Or Joseph ITALIANO, then licenced as N9PH [now licenced as the self-deprecating N0WOP] who is a bright, principled individual and aeronautical engineer and whose employment Brian tried to affect for talking to me [!]:
“I was pulled into this because certain amateurs… would tell me who I could, or couldn't, talk to on 20 meters. And when that didn't work, the QRMing started whenever they would hear me try to make contact with that amateur. Perhaps you have to know something of my background to understand how that would make me feel, but suffice it to say, that energized me.”
Or Bill SHINE K3TP another principled/highly qualified engineer also working within the US aeronautical ‘military-industrial’ complex:
“I was having a QSO with Karol Madera yesterday, and you were QRM'ing the frequency. I am going to politely ask you to refrain from QRM’ing my QSO's in the future. I have an absolute right to communicate with whoever I wish, and if I wish to talk with Karol, that is my business, and not yours. I would not dream of interfering with your QSO's, and I expect the same courtesy from you.”
Or David TOLASSI now licenced as W4BHV who has known many of these misfits for decades and who together with Jane, his teacher-wife [who has a call-sign, but has never been heard on-air], have also repeatedly/recently been stalked by Brian CROW [Jane even at her Middle-School — where Brian & Gang tried to have her fired — simply for being David’s wife!]. Brian & Gang affected David’s amateur radio licence, employment, repeatedly FRAUDulently complained about him to law enforcement, stalked him through three successive addresses [in VT, TN and GA] in as many years and even called the FBI on him:
“If you go against the radio punks and terrorists and speak to certain hams, these guys will do everything possible to get you. They feel they have the right to dictate to whom you may speak. They feel they are above the law, right Tommy [ß WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] with the Jesus holding a gun [ß Tom WHATLEY’s one time profane avatar]? The punk in Irwin, PA [ß Brian CROW K3VR] decides whom you can talk with and if you DARE talk to Karol, you will suffer the consequences. Make no mistake, these guys are radio terrorists.”
Or Donald ANDERSON N4TAT a very slow-talking Southener and marginally quicker thinker, who is a reluctant Vietnam Veteran who has known many of these misfits for decades and who has also been harassed/defamed/stalked by Brian CROW. In addition to the usual LIES and on-air/on the WWW stupidities, Brian & Gang attempted to negatively affect Donnie’s modest landscaping/lawn-care business and have even harassed his siblings and grown children — both of whom incidentally are Psychiatrists! But it is the harassment of Donnie’s 96 year-old mother that is truly outrageous: they FRAUDulently sent compliance officials to inspect her out-buildings; James O'BRIEN W4AMP one of Brian’s disordered toadies, made repeated threatening telephone calls to her/her home; and most recently [in early 2014] the Gang sent police detectives to her home on FRAUDulent pretenses, inquiring about Donnie…. Unfortunately, Donnie is afraid of his own shadow, often sits on the fence/is ~nice to his enemies and out of an abundance of caution, does not mix amateur radio and the World-Wide-Wasteland, so there are no quotes easily/directly/definitively attributable to him…. But, as this recent audio clip on topic evidences, he’s frequently heard on 14.313 MHz.
Or Mark MORGAN KB9RQZ who suffers from VERY serious dyslexia and possibly more, but whom Brian has nevertheless been stalking/attacking/harassing on the WWW and elsewhere/otherwise for years. In the Fall of 2007 after Brian tried pitting him against me using spoofed e-mails and similar FRAUDulent attacks on the WWW, Mark posted this very cogent and disturbingly self-explanatory query on an amateur radio related forum under title “need info… on VE7KFM”:
“What has been done, is that someone sent Karol, the real Karol it seems, a number of attacks in my name. Karol was polite if a bit strained (something I can understand) in inquiring if I had been duped into attacking him, etc….
Defending myself from the torrent of abusive and forged posts and emails made in my name is something I feel I have to do. The result of ignoring one round of them was the burning down of my home in Illinois. While the perps are mostly caught and in prison, I still haven't managed to collect from the insurance on the old home.
The same forces, which do include Karol’s foes as well in many cases, are ramping up the same attacks against me here (I have seen the stuff sent to local cops, etc.), making Karol of all things my de facto ally, although not likely my friend….
Reading the Karol/anti-Karol stuff seems to have given me a few new insights into those stalking me. Indeed the whole affair may have given me a bead on the last of these stalkers [ß Brian K3VR] for whom I have no ID and may result in another arrest (or may not). This effort to involve me against Karol may perversely have the effect of aiding Karol against HIS foes, but such things happen.”
When Brian’s stratagem failed, he spitefully arranged to have Mark deposed — via FRAUDulent poisoned-pen/threatening letters to the membership — from the “lofty” position of President of his Upper Michigan Peninsula local amateur radio club, apparently consisting of fewer than a dozen active members [Bravo, Brian!].
Or 'young' Todd DAUGHERTY N9OGL who is under a serious speech and related disability, but who nevertheless was/is also one of thelatest targets/victims, among minor others being held in reserve, in Brian CROW K3VR’s over-flowing hopper of LIES, HATE &PROPAGANDA. Brian also tried pitting Todd against me — at the same time/using a similar modus operandi (MO) to that he was using trying to dupe Mark [Todd and Mark ~know each other]:
Perversely, Brian CROW then managed, essentially by FRAUD/subterfuge, to have Todd, who styled himself as a “Free Speech” advocate on his Blogs, charged with “Harassment by Electronic Means” — the VERY thing Brian had patently routinely done to Todd and others for ~a decade!
The manner in which he operationalized this is also telling: Brian posted, on Todd's Blog, 'as if' a Laura ZuHONE of Consolidated Communications, Todd's sometime ISP 'threatening to cut Todd's balls off' for being critical of Consolidated for denying him Blog access to the Internet, etc.... Then, when Todd replied to “Laura”/Consolidated ~in kind, Brian 'snitched' to the law about these “threats”.... Bravoagain, Brian, you Psycho!
Subsequently, Brian in quick succession boot-strapped this misdemeanor with Riley HOLLINGSWORTH SCARE at the FCC to get Todd’s amateur radio licence off-lined for possible enforcement action, affected his ultra-light pilot’s licence with the FAA and got Todd fired from his high-level job as a “cart-pusher” [as he ‘crows’ about it], at Wal-Mart! Bravo, again/still, Brian!
In the Spring of 2015 Brian complained to the Taylorville Police Department that Todd supposedly 'threatened to shoot police'.... Rick BRYAN of the Taylorville doughnut-eaters got VERY excited, roughly interrogated Todd for hours, but ultimately did not proceed with charges, surprise, surprise, when it became patently obvious that Todd was referencing/discussing 'the shootings' as found, wait for it... within the context of the then just released Grand Theft Auto V video game!
Most recently in the Summer of 2015 Brian upped the ante significantly and actually managed to again snooker Rick BRYAN this time to arrest [!] Todd for several days, supposedly for threatening his Chief of Police! But the Judge(s) involved quickly saw through Brian CROW's 'put up job' and Rick BRYAN's shit-for-brains and summarily/perfunctorily punted the incited charge out of their courtroom(s)....
They shoot Psychopaths in 'Stupid-Land', don't they, Todd?
That was/is rhetorical.... Actually, judging by the seemingly never-ending procession of mass-outrages, it's the Psychopaths who are doing virtually all of the shootings.... Be that as it may, Todd should sue EVERYONE in sight/involved into the poor house, but especially Brian 'FRAUDulent Snitch' CROW!
Or poor Brandon DUKE the ex-KC0UWS who on arguably VERY poor legal advice from a ‘Pubic’ [ß sic] Defender, who was then in the 'throes' of getting her “Mrs.”, threw himself at the mercy of the court in 2010 — and is doing a paltry 55 years in CO Prison [effectively for poor decision-making and especially “marksmanship”]. This in part due to Brian CROW relentlessly for more than 4 years stalking/harassing him initially on-air, then on the WWW [where Brian FRAUDulently registered ‘as if’ Brandon on several forums and trashed him/others] and finally/especially in real life.
Brandon 1st came to Brian’s obsessive attention on 2 December 2006 when he committed the unpardonable and ultimately “mortal sin” of replying to my otherwise innocuous CQ on 20m — but apparently/unfortunately outside of his Band privileges — for which the typical penalty from the FCC is a severe lashing with a wet noodle [if they can find a postage stamp]…. The very next day [!] Brian demonstrably started to dig pit-falls/strewed banana peels in Brandon’s path on QRZ, co-operated from afar with/egged on Brandon’s local CB/amateur radio detractors in CO and started to snitch on him to his friend and co-conspirator Riley HOLLINGSWORTH at the FCC and the law….
It now turns out that Brandon was then a troubled teen-ager — his father committed suicide, his mother abandoned him, he had unfortunate juvenile brushes w/ the law, etc. Yet Brian — who for a long time maintained that he was a Psychiatrist, after being challenged a Psychologist and when challenged again, a Psychotherapist and still strongly suggests on-air and on the WWW that he works in the so-called “Helping Professions” [see below] — attacked/harassed and preyed on such a patently vulnerable individual, in so many ways/for so many years! THAT says volumes about Brian CROW.
The following is from a note Brandon sent in April 2013 from CO Prison to Geo. ZARDECKI N9VTB inquiring about Brian CROW:
“I wonder what Brian K3VR is up to. Probably his usual tricks. He happened to be part of my prosecution, through a letter he sent to the courts! Is that corrupt or what?”
In that letter to the court Brian CROW vociferously argued that Brandon should get “Life Without Parole”, in part because of his supposed tenuous “association” with the so-called 'Canadian Terrorist', a.k.a. “Commander, Al Qaeda Northern Command”!
Very troubling though not surprising evidence has recently come to light that Brian conspired behind-the-scenes on the Brandon DUKEmatter with Riley HOLLINGSWORTH [who was useful, no doubt, for his FCC imprimatur]. The evidence discloses that both Brian and Riley SERIOUSLY mis-led CO law enforcement in general [no great feat, the tragic/still unsolved JonBenét RAMSEY case refers] and a Marcy BECKER, Brandon's feeble-minded/reasoning Probation Officer in particular.... Marcy was snookered into believing everything Brian wrote/sent/pointed her to — including the FRAUDulent website 'as if' mine — and that Brandon was communicating with a 'Canadian Terrorist'! Moreover, years later she not only re-stated this in a formal Summary to Court, but also expressly averred that Brian's FRAUDulent website 'as if' mine, was actually mine! How do you spell “shit-for-brains” and worse in CO Justice? This NASTY piece of incompetence and FRAUDulent conspiratorial work behind-the-scenes cries out to Heaven for Redress!
Or 70+ year-old Michael ADAMS AE4FB who is ill and more than old enough to be Brian’s father and who ran afoul of Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob & Brian CROW & Gang — who call him “Fat Bastard” on 75m where incidentally I never operate — in part for daring to suggest [in 2012] that “The Canadian Army of One” was apparently doing a good job on 20m:
“14313 kHz is a 15-year bar fight between the Ugliest of Americans and anybody who disagrees with them. VE7KFM has been pilloried by "Patriotic" Americans for 13 years and of course some times gives tit for tat. I had never heard VE7KFM before a month ago; however, I had heard the "Horror" of VE7KFM for years and finally investigated. What I found was one Canadian sniper holding down an entire Battalion of Super “Patriot” Americans. All the while VE7KFM allowed these “Patriots” to demonstrate the vileness, ignorance and bully brutality for which my country (U.S.) has become known world wide.
N1FM is indeed and by definition an Adult Bully, a Bully COP and a proven serial destroyer of nets and friendships. Anything VE7KFM or any other of N1FM's targets does will be spun in an American Angry White Male Hate Radio/Bill Oreilly fashion to make the target appear in the worst light. I do not know who put the comment below the Video link but it shows mendaciousness or at best, ignorance of the subject and the history behind it…. Although there are some exceptions, my "fellow" "Americans" on 14313 are the worst of the worst.
I well know N1FM…. I have no doubt that he is a Sociopath and anyone who says "good on him" is either grossly misinformed or evil.”
Suffice it to say, the above and more in the same vein, is Brian CROW’s demonstrated Socio/Psychopathic Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) — and possible subliminal “Death Wish” — the targets with Italian, Irish (Up the IRA!), Polish and other ‘direct-action-prone’ ancestries/monikers, refer.
As the title suffix suggests in part, this Website — my FIRST & ONLY — is mainly about the darker/seamier side of CB/amateur radio and Cyber-Stalking/Bullying…. It is also apparently becoming an increasingly valued compendium on the subject of Brian CROW K3VR and Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob and Gang.
This Website is written at a Canadian ~high school-leaving comprehension level. Your mileage/comprehension may vary — say if you are an HAMereekan — and especially if you are one of Brian CROW’s many retards….
Because this Website has developed into a multi-faceted/headed “resource document”, it will also arguably be difficult if not impossible to read — never mind comprehend — in its entirety, at one sitting. I therefore suggest that you save this Website as a “Favorite”, for convenient retrieval and initially read this Front Page without clicking on any sub-links. Letting it simply ‘wash over you’ should be enough for the first sitting….
At the next opportunity — with or without a drink of your favourite to hand — peruse the Front Page again and ONLY read/peruse the sub-links suggested by me previously, above.
Each of the above suggested links is written differently. The first is in ~standard prose, with the occasional touch of attempted humour. The next three are collections of attributed short quotations, in easy-to-read bullet form, some very closely-coupled in time, while others require more thought/inferences to ‘connect the dots’. The e-mail from Laura SMITH, Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement (SCARE) at the FCC is ~standard if somewhat 'chatty'. The NALs & FOs are disturbingly self-explanatory. Especially FN # 11 in both NALs [which refer(s) to me] and FN #16 in the Brian CROW NAL proving that Brian is an incorrigible LIAR even when questioned by Federal Agents [for which Martha STEWART went to jail]. The pieces cover partially overlapping time-frames, but fundamentally ~similar ground, with per force different focus. Each piece should be read, from start to finish, preferably at one sitting, in the sequence shown, for maximum comprehension/utility/effect.
But, since it’s unlikely that most of you will have the time/inclination/perseverance to read all of the above pieces at one sitting, simply Bookmark this site, as already advised. You’ll need it as a ‘crib sheet’ to monitor 14.270-.275 MHz — and now 14.313 MHz again — and to put Brian’s LIES, HATE & PROPAGANDA there and elsewhere in proper context anyway….
And if you are additionally and/or independently being troubled by Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob — the BAD BULLY ex-COP — Brian CROW’s doughnut-eating feeble-reasoning sidekick, then you should also read or at least peruse this sub-link in the group:
Preferably, for maximum efficiency/effect, while listening to THIS UNIQUE AUDIO ß which has been described as “a recording that everyone in amateur radio should hear” [© Jimmy N5IFI].
The Life of Riley originally written/published to unprecedented positive reviews on eHAM in 2003 and Laura SMITH’s ‘shot across the bows’ of the “14.275 Mafia” [© Steve K9ZW] in 2009 arguably should have been the two ‘book-ends’ of this long-running, but curiously still unfinished, HAMereekan Fiasco….
But we’ll have to wait and see what happens with Brian CROW’s recent NAL & FO and that of Mike GUERNSEY KZ8O/nd8v his obese perennial ‘Brown-Shirt’ and his NAL & FO.

Then, I suggest that you peruse the Front Page again, clicking sparingly on any other sub-link(s) that, in light of your readings to-date and/or otherwise, suggest themselves and/or are of most interest to you. Only after you have iteratively perused the Front Page several times — and clicked on/listened to/read, or at least perused many if not most of the sub-links — should you begin to get an idea of the breadth and depth of the vile, fundamentally FRAUDulent attack mounted against me by Brian CROW K3VR and Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob & Gang….
Note peripherally that of necessity, this website is essentially reactive, but only in a macro sense. This, because I’m a very slow two-finger typist, no ‘compu-geek’, etc. and in any event have no intention of reacting to every twist and turn of these disordered individuals, who are emotionally retarded, but who nevertheless are adept Cyberpaths with much time on their hands. Or worse, daily becoming obsessed with every detail of my stalkers’ frenetic mischief….
In other words, while the internal content of some of the sub-links herein, especially aspects of the apparently very effective “I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF” sub-section generally — and the 1,000+ attributed comments in The Life of Brian in particular — will be updated from-time-to-time, this Front Page will only change slowly…. But however imperceptibly, this website will change — especially for you Brian — so keep reading it and all the sub-links attentively, to improve your pitiful HAMereekan vocabulary/diction and especially your feeble comprehension….
Irrespective, this Website will remain until the on-air/on the WWW madness by Brian CROW and Tom WHATLEY & Gang STOPS….
It might be appropriate here to sound an early note of CAUTION to secondary/tertiary/prospective FUCKTARDS mindlessly being led, like lemmings, by Brian CROW K3VR and/or Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob & Gang….
IF you bad-mouth and/or interfere w/ me on-air and/or co-operate with and/or support those that do, then say:- after the passage of several minutes…
- of being attacked by several stations…
- who are working in concert…
- at s.9+ signal-strength levels…
IF you make derogatory comments about me on the World-Wide-Wasteland and:
- Bad-mouth me even once — especially where I have no ability to retort — when I catch you [and I WILL catch you], I’ll make you “famous” on this website….
- Start a derogatory thread about me, post Brian CROW’s infamous FRAUDulent URL and/or bad-mouth me more than once and I’ll not only make you “famous” — but like Psycho Brian, use your full name(s)/call-sign to do so….
- Continue to bad-mouth me on-air and/or on the WWW I’ll devote a separate section to you, initially probably under the “I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF” rubric….
- Attack me some more anywhere and all bets are off/I’ll make you a “Special Project”/you’ll be hazarding everything that is even remotely ‘near & dear’ to you/yours….
I trust that we understand each other!
That way, for example, when your current/prospective employer [Welfare, Social Services, McDonalds?] needs to ‘check you out’, they’ll know a little more about your lemming-like character/inability to reason on your own…. But, you’ll be relieved to know that unlike Brian CROW and Tom WHATLEY I will give you a “fair report” and will NOT knowingly propagate a LIE….
To get off this Website, I’ll require an unequivocal [ß read ‘grovelling’] letter or e-mail of Apology and an undertaking that you will never again harass/bad-mouth me on-air, on the WWW and/or elsewhere/otherwise and will not encourage/support those that do….
Finally, be advised that there is a Codicil [ß look it up in a dictionary] to my Will, stipulating that in order for the Beneficiaries to “take”, the gist of this Website must remain on the WWW in substantive form for at least a decade after my no doubt untimely demise….
To the extent that most of you/my detractors, current and prospective — are young enough to be my children and even grand-children — and those of you not yet on Welfare may still need to work for a time, likely flipping burgers, all I can say is: Good Luck in the KKKontest, as Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW constantly spouts….
And govern yourself/ves accordingly, as the shysters are wont to say….
I initially started this Website as a very short ~1 page + 1 link only, on the now defunct Yahoo! GeoCities in the Fall of 2006. This was after more than a year of increasingly serious stalking, Criminal mischief and worse — on amateur radio, via telephone and even in person vialocal surrogates. One such surrogate was/is as an obese/skuzzy Canadian CB’er, Gerry SAELENS VE7DCW who used to live in the area, but who neither knew/knows/nor hears me on-air, yet who scurrilously opined ~daily about me for years on QRZ.com, eHAM.net and most recently on the very appropriately named “Island of Misfit Hams”.
Most specifically, this website was started after Brian Lee CROW K3VR aided by Thomas A. WHATLEY Jr. N1FM/n1sob — who was then aBAD BULLY COP working in the Delray Beach Police Department in Florida — began STALKING & HARASSING me on the Internet using a highly deceptive website, whose URL was/is VE7KFM.com [sic] (hereinafter the euphemistic www.suckK3VRoff.com). It lately turns out that this STALKING & HARASSING website was originally registered in 2006 by Tom WHATLEY in his own name — actually using his Delray Beach PD ‘COP-shop’ address — but for the thinnest of reasons of plausible deniability, Tom’s demonstrated inability to write coherent/Standard English and otherwise, was/is being ‘run’/edited/operationalized by Brian CROW…. The website contains my World-Wide uniquely licenced call-sign as the ONLY identifier in the arguably FRAUDulent and certainly highly misleading/deceptive URL….
Concurrently, Brian CROW also started to Criminally jam/attack me almost daily on-air from his “Secret Jamming Location” [© Bill W6WBJ] in the Village of Irwin, Township of North Huntingdon, just East of Pittsburgh, PA:
[and Ian CROW & Brendan (or Bredan) CROW ß included here mainly for their school ‘show & tell’/to ‘memorialize’ the school attacks on Jane TOLASSI]
12201 Longview Dr
Irwin, PA [ß a.k.a. North Huntington, PA]
This is Brian’s physical location/address, despite his notorious ‘moveable feast’ of disinformation about his supposed location: he used/uses Monroeville, North Huntingdon, Washington, Westmoreland, Elizabethtown, Middletown, Pittsburgh and several addresses in Maine and Florida, etc., interchangeably. Or, even what it occasionally, variously, but usually also disingenuously shows on the official FCC database. For example, the penultimate address in the long FRAUDulent series was a construction/real estate sales shack used byTom WHATLEY’s wife Nina WHATLEY, a RE/MAX “real estate bitch”, as Tom colourfully called her for a time. Currently, Brian CROW andTom WHATLEY — who may both be “gay” and/or bi-sexual and who certainly are very ‘close’/enjoy “digital” manipulations — share a $10./month strip-mall Mail Stop “Box” in Boynton Beach, FL which masquerades as a so-called “Suite”.
BTW If you’re in the Irwin, PA area, stop by and have a chat with Brian’s neighbours on Longview Dr. — they have some interesting things to say about him! While there, you might as well look up the address of/make similar ‘sharp’ inquiries about a Matthew GRAVES KB3FQNwho is an infamous author, first mentioned near the end of The Life of Riley, but who apparently does not even know it, as well as being a newbie/inactive Technician licencee/unknown radio amateur:
Matthew P. GRAVES
1710 Trolist Dr
North Huntington, PA
Which address is only some 1.5 miles to the South-East, ‘as the CROW flies’, pun intended…. Note the same ZIP Code and don’t be misled by the supposedly different place names: they’re ~the same ‘Shitsville’, PA. N.B. According to the FCC database, Matthew may have decamped — notionally or otherwise — to Idaho, recently. But you can’t trust the integrity/accuracy of the FCC database — or the FCC — these days….
In the Fall 2005 Brian CROW FRAUDulently mis-appropriated Matthew’s name in order to initially twice smear [ß see/read] Glenn BAXTER K1MAN and then me, all from afar, via the Southgate Amateur Radio Club in the UK. Surprise, surprise, the naiive ‘single-source’ Webmaster of/compu-geek at the SARC is a Brit, one Richard BRUNTON G4TUT. Richard G4TUT joined the infamous website QRZ.com [a.k.a. ‘QeerZ’ to those in the know], fewer than 3 months previously and soon thereafter for years became the sole “Ham Radio News” Moderator thereon. If you peruse the remaining though heavily sanitized QRZ Archives, you will still find much evidence that Brian CROWpatently lived a very exceptional/charmed life on QRZ — constantly/repeatedly breaking most of the posting rules with impunity — and generally grossly misbehaving, sometimes even criminally, without censure, for years…. This was especially so under the infamous ANONymous regime of “QRZ_EDITOR” a.k.a. Michael JACOBUS N4DIA [ß sic], finally unmasked in 2006 as a twice-convicted FRAUD…. ‘Birds of a feather’ and black at that, quickly come to mind…. For more on all of this, try to ‘connect the dots’ in the immediately previous links in this paragraph, those above/below on this Front Page, peruse The Life of Riley and The Life of Brian around the times at issue and/or search elsewhere….
Unfortunately within ~two weeks of my incipient GeoCities debut — and even before the ‘Google-bots’ picked it up — my meager Website was taken down by Yahoo! due to Brian CROW FRAUDulently and perversely reporting that it and The Life of Riley link especially, were “hateful”….
Perversely, because Brian’s website was the one that was/is frenetically false and hateful, even if it is ANONymous, published from afar and now additionally cloaked! Not only that, because his website FRAUDulently used my unique Industry Canada licenced call-sign as the sole ID in the URL, at first blush it actually ‘looked like’ it was mine! On this website and several similar-looking others, it was also patently obvious to virtually anyone with a “partially functioning head unit” [© ToeJoe N9PH] that Brian was Criminally Stalking ME! Shame on the FRAUDulent/unthinking geeks & yahoos — I hope you got ‘down-sized’ and found lodgings under a bridge — at Yahoo!
Perversely also, because at ~the same time Brian mis-appropriated/‘spoofed’ my Yahoo! e-mail address and started a Neo-NAZI website onwww.MySpace.com again, ‘as if’ it were mine! To add insult to injury, the yahoos at Yahoo! subsequently actually required ME to prove MY true identity — while the FRAUD, Brian CROW, was making outrageous posts ‘as if me’/on a website originally festooned with pink Swastika ‘wallpaper’, which BTW is illegal in Canada:
Perversely especially, in that subsequently Brian — posting as “nemodorry” and “VE7KFM” [ß sic, NOT to be confused with me/the “RealVE7KFM”] — published several patently stalking/hateful YouTube videos on the Internet about me. BTW I apparently am the 1st radio-amateur in history to be so “honoured”! As the ultimate terse YouTube notes about this evidence, these videos seriously affected myPrivacy & Security and were clearly contrary to the YouTube “Privacy” Community Guidelines/Terms of Service Agreement….
These obviously obsessive videos have finally been removed by YouTube w/ the following & similar “telling” captions:
“! This video has been removed due to terms of use violations.”
“! This account is suspended.”
“! This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”
“! VE7KFM [ß i.e. Brian the FRAUD, NOT to be confused with me/the real VE7KFM] has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of our Community Guidelines.”
“! This account has been suspended due to a violation of YouTube’s policy prohibiting content designed to impersonate another person or user.”
IMAGINE: Brian CROW K3VR engaging in multiple and severe PRIVACY & SECURITY, ToS, ToU and Community Guidelines VIOLATIONS, having his “nemodorry” and his HIGHLY FRAUDulent account ‘as if mine’ [“VE7KFM”] suspended/terminated/removed, because of FRAUDulent impersonation, etc., etc.
So, did Brian CROW K3VR cease and desist? Well, being the Obsessive-Compulsive STALKER, HARASSER & PREDATOR that he is, NO….
Brian simply engaged his long-time feeble-minded sycophant and co-conspirator, Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob the BAD BULLY now ex-COP to shill copies/variations of some of these patently STALKING/HARASSING videos, using his FCC amateur call-sign “N1FM” and other ANONymous monikers:
Interestingly, Tom WHATLEY actually discussed cyber-stalking on CBS in West Palm Beach, FL [contact SBOYD@CBS12.com for confirmation of this]:
Yet perversely and ~concurrently, Tom engaged in cyber-stalking himself! How do you spell “HYPOCRITE”?!
Some, but not all variants of these latest STALKING videos — by a recent ex-COP — have since also been removed by YouTube with the following and similar notations:
Bravo, YouTube/GOOGLE!
But stay on top of Brian & Tom’s inventive mischief — because they are true CYBERPATHS, STALKERS, HARASSERS, SOCIO/PSYCHOPATHS& PREDATORS — and if their past in any indication, will likely return to the scene of the crime [and as their YouTube record alone evidences, have].
BTW Tom & Brian also reportedly run something called “Digital Forensics Group” (DRG), out of their Mail Stop supposed “Suite” [actually a Postal Outlet “Box”] in Boynton Beach, FL in part to facilitate this mischief….
All this is another significant trait of Brian’s well-documented MO: he likes only his ‘one-hand-clapping’, especially when running ANONymous ‘hate sites’/derogatory threads & videos; becomes incredibly obsessed with “The Lives of Others” [BTW Florian Graf vonDONNERSMARCK’s ancestral family estate was within walking distance of where I was born]; likes to fawningly ingratiate himself to “Authorities”; and play FRAUDulent ‘snitch’ and Radio & Internet COP…. And to add insult to injury, he routinely blocks the IPNs/addresses of his targets/victims so they can’t read about themselves on the websites that for all intents and purposes ‘look like’ they are their own!
Be that as it may and in order to make a belated attempt at a defence, I then had to upgrade from very time-limited dial-up, to costly high-speed Internet access and laboriously re-constitute my website ab initio from memory [!] using webspace available to me via my local SHAW ISP. To make the most recent ~8 year story short, this website soon was ~10x harder hitting and ~100x longer than the initial version and the available content soon started to exceed the webspace limits…. All this, without so much as one note/call of concern from my Canadian “Authorities”/RCMP (a.k.a. Royal Canadian Mounted Pussies), CSIS or local doughnut-eaters/Constabulary — who are now ‘too late smart’/well aware of the situation — and who have been/are being force-fed this website/links by me on an occasional basis….
Or, even the FBI who is also following this website with bemused if distant interest….
DIRECTOR FBI: Please have one of your Agents contact me, as I requested/was promised by my “Authorities” — years ago, immediately after the “Anthrax” threat to me….
BTW The FBI “Anti-Terrorism” task force sharply interrogated both Brian CROW and Tom WHATLEY concerning the white powder marked “Anthrax” mailed to me in early-2007 from the cess-pool of Florida — during the time of the real deadly and arguably still unsolved Anthrax attacks — postmarked very close to Brian’s “virtual FCC address”. The FBI continues to have both Brian and Tom on a very short list of suspects [and me as a “victim”, despite my not liking the term] in this still unsolved serious Criminal case, the several nearly equally serious ‘SOS’/Distress Call hoaxes perpetrated against me [and Mark MORGAN KB9RQZ] starting in mid-2008 and reportedly also other Criminal matters, such as false complaint, harassment by telephone at night, criminal threatening, identity theft, impersonation, LIEing to Federal Agents, etc….
REWARD: I will pay $10,000 CDN and Geo. ZARDECKI N9VTB now AC9KU will pay $10,000 US [for a nominal total of $20,000] for information leading to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of the person or persons responsible for sending me, Karol F. MADERA VE7KFM white powders marked “ANTHRAX” through US and CDN Mails, post-marked from FL in 2007. Contact me at VE7KFM@Gmail.com and/or Geo. at N9VTB@Yahoo.comand/or your local FBI.
Be careful what you wish for, Brian CROW you Psycho and Tom WHATLEY you BAD BULLY ex-COP you!
In a nutshell: Brian CROW K3VR is a serial STALKER & HARASSER, an adept Cyberpath and a demonstrated glib Socio/Psychopath with all that entails — i.e. he’s a DANGEROUS PREDATOR!
Look up these terms and related definitions of these personality disorders in the links immediately above, below and/or elsewhere.
Or, if you’ve interacted with/think you know Brian CROW, try perfunctorily scoring him HERE ß being an inventory based on the pioneering work of Professor Robert HARE from UBC, one of my alma maters. But unlike Brian, be fair/give him the benefit of doubt on any equivocal factor….
And listen to Professor HARE briefly explain Psychopathy here:
and the difference between Sociopaths and Psychopaths here [arguably a distinction w/o a difference for our purposes]:
You might also consider perusing:
and if you’re dyslexic and/or prefer the aural/visual realm, as many of you appear to do, listen to/view its ~verbatim video reading/rendition [but don’t be ‘thrown’ by some of the “illustrations”] here:
Whatever you do, keep the chief applicable Socio/Psychopathic traits presented/gleaned well in mind when dealing with Brian, or you’ll soon regret it!
More formally, the Encyclopedia Britannica defines “personality disorder” as follows:
“One of the most important disorders is the antisocial, sociopathic, or psychopathic personality disorder. This disorder is chiefly characterized by a personal history of chronic and continuous antisocial behaviour in which the rights of others are violated. Poor or nonexistent job performance is another major indicator. Persons with antisocial personality disorder make up a significant portion of the criminal and delinquent elements of society. Besides persistent criminality, the symptoms may also include sexual promiscuity or sexual aggression and drug addiction or alcoholism. Sociopaths generally accept their behaviour as natural, feel no guilt when they hurt others, see little reason for or possibility of change, and resist therapy.”
For those of you used to being spoon-fed Brian CROW's FAUX NEWS [ß sic] and/or others/otherwise, some particular traits, culled ~verbatim for you from the above references generally — and specifically re-ordered as being most applicable to Brian — chiefly are:
- He is a convincing, Pathological LIAR, with a Jekyl & Hyde nature — he excels at DECEPTION !
- He is glib & superficial — he relies on mimicry, repetition, regurgitation — and “projection”.
- He is emotionally retarded, immature & untrustworthy — he lacks remorse, shame or guilt.
- He has unusual & inappropriate attitudes to sexual matters/behaviours & bodily functions.
- He is grandiose, arrogant & audacious — he feels entitled, invulnerable & untouchable.
- He is a compulsive control freak & critic — all the while refusing to value others.
- He shows a lack of consistency, flits from topic to topic, is evasive & refuses to be specific.
- He pursues vindictive vendettas and undermines those who peek under his mask of sanity.
As Laura KNIGHT-JADCZYK reported in the link immediately above, all researchers into Psychopathy apparently agree on three typical characteristics of a Socio/Psychopath: (1) absence of guilt for antisocial actions; (2) an inability to empathize/love; and (3) a tendency to be loquacious/garrulous — but in a manner which seriously deviates from reality.
In other words: Brian’s a glib LIAR — without a conscience....
BTW I just noticed that the relatively innocuous link(s) to Laura KNIGHT-JADCZYK standing effectively for that one proposition, above, now also appear to be broken — what seeming “Bad Luck”, again — almost certainly a result of Brian CROW’s demonstrated obsession with only his ‘one-hand-clapping’….
For what it’s worth, therefore, have a look/listen to this short video, wherein Laura explains what happened to her, her family and her work — once she started to delve into/research Psychopathy:
For a slightly wider perspective, have a look at these two thoughtful/articulate videos — which, despite discussing the general case, come ‘ohh, so close’ to our Psycho Brian CROW on so many variables/levels:
Irrespective, once you carefully monitor/track Brian CROW for a while be it on-air and/or on the WWW — especially if he also ‘focused your mind’ by STALKING/HARASSING you and/or your family — you will unfortunately confirm much of this and more for yourself and in very short order…. But by then it will probably be too late….
CAUTION: Brian CROW is NOT a Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Psychotherapist — Brian is a PSYCHO!
Brian CROW is NOT a Psychologist/Psychiatrist, Doctor [of Divinity or otherwise] or Professor, etc., etc., despite his occasional assertions to that effect, sometimes even in ~writing! FYI Dr. Jason a.k.a. Janus HASENFUS [ß sic — literally “Rabbit’s Foot” in German] who appeared on Brian’s websites circa 2005 when he was harassing Glenn BAXTER K1MAN is currently on an enforced ‘virtual sabbatical’, thanks in part to yours truly…. But, the apparently real Professor Dr. Brian CROW at the curiously named Slippery Rock University, inter alia do take note that Brian has occasionally been masquerading as you….
In the Fall of 2005 Brian CROW was described, by his good friend and then chief on-air/on-WWW co-conspirator Bob SHERIN W4ASX [now W1ARL], in an e-mail to Glenn BAXTER [Cc Brian K3VR], as follows:
“I can tell you that Brian is one hell of a genius in psychology [ß sic], rendering my psychological musings child's play [ß sic]. You are certainly right when you say he sets up institutes and pseudonyms [ß sic], but don't many of us? [ß sic]”
Fast-forward to May 2011 when — while attempting to miscarry the HEARTSONG murder trial [!] — Bob SHERIN not only admitted in writing that he was diagnosed as a Bi-Polar in the 1980's, but also that he has since had to submit to monthly mental examinations, in order to remain at large:
“Part of responsible treatment is a monthly visit to my psychiatrist to insure treatment is on track, i.e. good judgment andmood in the middle. [ß sic]
Sure, using technical argot, I joke about my monthly mental status exam -- from your affect, you'd do well to get them! [ß sic]”
To unequivocally drive the point home: Bob calls Brian a “genius in psychology” — and Brian repeatedly/routinely for years returned the favour…. Only we now find out that as a minimum one of them admits to being formally diagnosed as a Whacko — and the other one should!
Or, in the strangely auspicious words about Brian CROW written by me in the Epilogue to The Life of Riley, years earlier, c.2004:
“All of this per force reminds us of ‘Miami Boob’ W4ASX who not only likes to practice law without benefit of courses, degree or licence, but like Brian, also sometimes feels compelled to perform Psychiatric assessments on-air and on the Internet….Brian has called him an ‘award-winning writer’ and quotes him with approbation on CMSPIRG where ‘Boob’, categorically states that Glenn Baxter—a Professional Engineer—is: “a mentally disordered individual, growing worse." Maybe ‘Bi-Polar Boob’ taught Brian all he knows? Let us preliminarily count the ways: Writing, Logic, Law and Psychiatry…. Renaissance men, the both of them…. And Jesus wept!”
Suffice it to say that there is much evidence and after 8+ years of per force close observation I know for a fact that Brian CROW isMachiavellian, Narcissistic, Sadistic and Obsessive-Compulsive — and I have reasons to believe, that he may also be a sometime psychiatric patient, with a Multiple-Personality and Bi-Polar Manic Depressive Disorder, among possible others....
For more evidence of how thoroughly ‘fucked up’ Brian truly is, research the original website called NIMBUSTERS now resurrected as NIMBUSTERS II:
These closely related websites were reportedly started and are still heavily influenced by the thoughts/writings of the notorious Hal TURNER — recently released from US Federal Prison — where he served time, despite being an FBI Informant and like Brian CROW, anAgent Provocateur….
Many of these “fellow travelers”, some of whom, like Brian’s Guru, Kevin STROM WB4AIO, a Neo-NAZI & Liberty Net HONCHO — who also served time in Federal Prison for Child Porn — have had a long-time ~formal presence on the amateur radio bands and have a White-Supremacist/KKK/Neo-NAZI provenance….
Brian CROW, by his own occasional admission, has ANONymously ‘slummed’ on NIMBUSTERS — boasting there and elsewhere of his connections w/ “three-letter alphabet-soup Agencies” — and often attacked/s people with disabilities, because of their race/ethnicity, etc. ~daily for years…. With a modicum of intelligence, application and patience, you’ll eventually be able to reliably ‘tease out’ the unbelievably vile but “TRUE” Psycho Brian CROW K3VR constantly ANONymously, PSEUDOnymously and especially FRAUDulently lurking and attacking various & sundry thereon….
THIS is the TRUE Brian CROW. Everything else, to a greater or lesser degree, to quote Jim LAURSEN, Regional Manager of Industry Canada, is a “put up job”….
But, according to Brian CROW’s self-promotion/propaganda at least, he supposedly “gives counseling to troubled families” — likely using psychological gobbledygook gleaned from perusing the titles in his deceased psychiatrist father-in-law’s library….
To perfunctorily disabuse yourself of the notion that Brian is some sort of counselor, simply for now listen to him: here, Here and HERE….
Then, assuming that you have a modicum of intellectual horse-power: think, Think and THINK….
But, assuming for the sake of argument only that Brian CROW’s self-promotion/propaganda is partly true — if you and especially a ‘loved one’/child or dependent should fall within the ‘spell’ of Brian’s nefarious influence — even if under the nominal tutelage/supervision of a supposed “professional” of the ~‘shrink’ variety especially, then:
RUN, don’t just walk away, to your nearest malpractice attorney!
And if, like Terry CARSKADDAN [who in 2006 played Poste Restante ‘paddy cake’ with/covered for Brian at her office], or Susannah CROW[his wife] you are a Licenced Social Worker being influenced/controlled/directed ‘on the pillow’ or otherwise by the UN-licenced Brian CROW — or worse yet, a Psychiatrist/Psychologist even peripherally employing Brian, at a deep discount, to ply your ‘voodoo science’ — advise your insurers and re-insurers [AIG? LLOYDS of London?] without delay…. And “Good Luck in the KKKontest”, as Brian is wont to say.
And, if you’re someone in “Authority” getting ‘schmoozed’ by Psycho Brian, remember that unthinking involvement with him is NOT going to be ‘career enhancing’!
Irrespective and out of an abundance of caution, before it’s too late, be sure to immediately inform the:
Attention: Dr. Samuel J. KNAPP, their long-time Director of Professional Affairs, who knows about Brian, Terry, Susannah and the others….
You should also immediately make a complaint of unauthorized practice of Psychology/Psychiatry to the:
Office of Chief Counsel
Prosecution Division
Have the Prosecuting Attorney add your name and particulars to his growing File No. 06-63-10093 [ß quote it] as well as the “informational database”, that they have set up on Brian L. CROW “…to determine if there is a pattern of problems with [this]individual…”.
You should also immediately contact the:
424 Main St.
Irwin, PA
Attention: The latest Constable-in-Charge [the previous — Joseph POCSATKO got fired recently — possibly because of Brian CROW]
Telephone: (724) 863-8800 [central dispatch] or
(724) 864-3102 or
(724) 864-3103
FAX: (724) 863-4774
But, because Irwin is a ‘shit-hole’ village/its PD has been/is in turmoil and worse, you should concurrently immediately also contact at least the:
NORTH HUNTINGDON Township Police Department
11279 Center Hwy
North Huntingdon, PA
Attention: Andrew LISIECKI, Chief [tell him his fellow ‘Pole’ from the West Coast of Canada sends regards]
Telephone: (724) 863-8800 Extension 119
E-mail: alisiecki@nhtpd.us
More generally in our context, Brian CROW is a ~55 year-old accomplished ‘compu-geek’/hacker, on-line ‘gamer’ and ~Kevin MITNIKwannabe, apparently, who appears to specialize in the darker/nastier aspects of Social Engineering and Internet-Facilitated DEFAMATION.
Over the past several years Brian repeatedly, for nefarious and FRAUDulent purposes, variously mis-appropriated my identity [and that of peripheral others], on the World-Wide-Wasteland. Starting ~7 years ago, for example, there was only a handful of search results on the WWW about me — all positive, some even highly complimentary [e.g. references to my Master’s Thesis, the Prize in Intellectual Property Law I won in my graduating year at Law School, etc.]. Now, there are more than 1,000 nominal results, ~98% of which are derogatory and/or defamatory — some even ‘as if’ authored by me — perversely seemingly against myself! But, virtually all are single-sourced and are ultimately directly or indirectly traceable to Brian CROW K3VR & Gang. And, surprise, surprise, there is no longer any mention of my Thesis or Prize….
Did I tell you that there’s a good reason why they’re hunting Americans around the world?
More specifically in our context, Brian CROW K3VR even runs numerous ‘spoofy’, highly defamatory, anonymous, cloaked, fundamentally FRAUDulent and sometimes maniacally hyper-homo-sexual websites against me — which to the uninitiated, inattentive and/or simply gullible [most of today’s HAMereekans are unbelievably gullible] are expressly designed to mislead/look ‘as if’ they’re mine/are published by me…. And GOOGLE supposedly is still ‘sooo confused’…. These websites use combinations and permutations of my proper name(s) and/or my uniquely licenced radio amateur call-sign as their sole ID so as to more effectively “trash” me/‘splash’ this defamation on the WWW. BTW This in part is directly contrary to the noble, egalitarian and now Century-long radio amateur tradition, of which Brian appears to be ignorant — or more likely, being a Socio/Psychopath, flaunts as usual — whereby the use of first name only and call-sign is de rigeur.
This FRAUDulent and certainly highly unethical but apparently permissible practice in the USA has been noted by a stranger in some Additional Info [subsequently quickly changed/superceded by Brian] on an “AboutUs Wiki Page” as follows:
“This is a hate site, devoted to maligning private individuals with whom the anonymous owner(s) disagree or whom they dislike. It has even used an internationally unique identifier - the call sign assigned to a Canadian radio amateur - as the domain name. This is clearly unethical at the very best, and reflects badly on both the owners and the domain hosting service – qth.com.”
That very website was also succinctly described by Bruce K0HWY on QRZ — that Brian hyperbolically calls “the most popular amateur radio website in the world” — as: “a site by a moron for morons”…. I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF! [ß BTW be sure to see the sub-section under this title, below, which like my main title “RADIO CANADA” — VE7KFM among others, has also been shamelessly mimicked by Brian CROW K3VR on the WWW clearly in order to mislead…. ß N.B. GOOGLE!]
On these websites Brian CROW maligns me and peripheral others without remorse/conscience and daily demonstrates that not only is he an Identity THIEF but also a Pathological LIAR. Actually, from 7+ years of very close observation on-air and on the WWW, there is much evidence to suggest that given a forced choice, Brian CROW would perversely rather float a lie than tell the truth…. Brian has even gone so far as to repeatedly say that “there is no law against lying in amateur radio”. If you’re what passes for “normal” on the human curve and carefully monitor Brian long enough on-air and/or on the WWW this should strike you as very strange indeed….
Some observers knowledgeable in the social sciences have even opined that Brian may be ‘oddly wired’, or has a 180 degree phasing problem in his “central processor”…. Be that as it may, Brian is particularly skilled in the use of the old approach of mixing a little truthwith many Lies, which he then wraps in outrageous BIG AMERICAN LIES [there being no bigger, lately]. He often also presents opinion/comment as fact, which is actionable in defamation law. [But US law appears to be an ass, in that in some jurisdictions opinions/comments apparently need not be based on fact — making them “Faith-Based”, I suppose.] Being a coward, Brian typically wraps all of this calumny in multiple ~anonymous ‘onion skins’/cut-outs/cloaking services from afar…
Brian is extremely inconsistent when it comes to facts, when/if he uses them. In his diction, writings on Blogs and especially re-writings/edits on Forums — eHam.net and especially QRZ.com being the chief cases in point — Brian CROW is notoriously internally and externally inconsistent and when in manic state/off his ‘meds’, often over-the-top/hyperbolic. If you carefully track his writings/re-writings — but especially his shameless, crafty back/’ghost’ edits in near real-time — you will find ample and episodically maniacally recurring evidence of this….
This VERY arguably is Brian’s greatest weakness — use it against him!
Save/record these glaring inconsistencies — before they disappear as they are regularly wont to do — and publish/highlight/exploit them!!! A good place to start is The Life of Brian, Brian ‘FRAUDulent’ CROW K3VR—Exclusively in His OWN Psychotic Words and Brian CROW is a Sexual Deviant, Paedophile & Coprophiliac.
You might also peruse 14.313 MHz and Company being a recent ‘friendly’ but hard-hitting Blog “about K3VR, W7CPA, N1FM and the usual fucktard crew of 14.313 MHz!”
See also the brand new http://www.BrianCrowK3VR.com/ “an investigative report into Amateur Radio Operator Brian Lee Crow, K3VRand friends”, apparently still under construction….
Brian CROW also occasionally/eventually breaks virtually every rule of logical reasoning and even appears to have re-invented a few highly aberrant ones — long ago culled by our distant forbears from the human lexicon by means of the garrotte/sacrificial-peat-bog method of improving the ‘village stock’…. Again, document these logical fallacies and perverse/illogical thought processes and expose them!!! But, arguably, you’ll need to have finished High School — preferably in Canada — to do this effectively, if at all.
Time & Causality, for example, present serious recurring problems for Brian, because in his Universe, time flows in either direction on command and causality suffers as a consequence. As does his curious construct of Guilt-by-Association, be it distant/tenuous, or most frequently, non-existent…. But, the latter may in part be an artefact of current American educational deficiencies/the Post-9/11 Excited States “if you’se not with us, you’se agin’ us” National Psychosis…. Be that again as it may, because today’s typical HAMereekan ‘Johnny’ demonstrably can’t read and especially reason — and because Brian routinely dis-enfranchises his chief critics from forums on which he spews his LIES, HATE & PROPAGANDA — and threatens the rare ‘second stringers’ who occasionally ‘slip under the wire’ to write anything even remotely critical about him — he gets away with these outrageous sleights-of-hand without much negative comment…. ThesePlausible Lies and typical ensuing silence, Brian then interprets/presents/‘boot-straps’ as evidence of support from the so-called “silent majority” [a.k.a. ‘the great unwashed’]….
The harvesting of this material published by Brian and/or the direct critical quotes about him by others, have been very effective, in that recently Brian has significantly pulled back his horns and/or ceased posting entirely on all but his FRAUDulent websitewww.suckK3VRoff.com.
In brief, therefore, Brian L. CROW K3VR is at best an amoral, all too often Immoral and frequently EVIL gratuitous LIAR, ID THIEF,SLANDERER/DEFAMER and BULLY. He hides behind Karaoke-type algorithm-altered voices on-air/on the telephone, innumerable aliases, FRAUDulent websites, cloaking services from afar, e-mails and numerous IP addresses on the WWW — and International Borders…. You better get the picture…. If not, “Good Luck in the KKKontest”, as Brian CROW would say!
Brian CROW is a Sadistic Cyberstalker & TROLL…
Brian CROW K3VR is also an accomplished on-air Stalker/Harasser and Internet Cyberstalker & ‘Troll’.
It’s as if Brian generally read an early version of the article “Overview of Tactics in Stalking” [by a still unknown Internet author] which cogently notes in part:
“Cyberstalkers derive their greatest pleasure from disrupting their victims' relationships with third parties, where the third party is (a) the general "unspecified" audience, (b) significant others and current or prospective associates, and (c) providers of services the victim needs to use the Internet.
Some of the most egregious tactics deployed to disrupt the way a victim is perceived by the general population involves thecreation of libelous Web sites search optimized through the dissemination of links in news groups. For maximum effect, the cyberstalker houses the libelous material on a network of hyperlinked Web sites bearing the name of the victim (e.g. JoeSmith.com, JoeSmith.org, JoeSmith.info). As a substitute for a Web site, a critical mass of deliverables to news groups and other Web-based forums may be sufficient to vandalize the front page of results for a Google search on the victim's name.
Tactics deployed in disrupting relationships with family & friends, colleagues, and other associates are more wide-ranging. Once cyberstalkers sleuth the identities of these third parties, they may begin dropping the names into messages that remain primarily about the victim, but eventually messages may be created as unctuous commentary about these third parties themselves. The goal of most instrumental cyberstalkers is to pressure the third parties to persuade the victim to stop using the Internet. This is achieved by creating a situation in which significant others and associates blame the victim for the stress they begin to feel as the harassment hits closer to home. In some cases, employers may be contacted directly or indirectly mentioned in messages (which may be accurate or misleading) about the victim's use of company property (e.g. PC) on company time.
Impersonation is also a popular tactic in the disruption of relationships with friends and associates. Victims may learn from a Google search on a name that they are the forged authors of a message (in some forum) that defames an associate or significant other or; conversely, that the associate (or significant other) may be forged authors of messages that defame the victim. Acts of impersonation vary so widely that no exhaustive list is possible, and any act of impersonation can potentially disrupt any and all category of relationship. A cyberstalker may create a faux directory entry for the victim (e.g. Yahoo profile), composed to appear as if they were written by the victims themselves (for maximum effect). The profile could be used to humiliate the victim by including a revealing or embarassing photograph (i.e. "pic"). The profile may be used to "out" a person who has been conducting business on the Web under a pen name. Cunningly sleuthed residential address information may also be included to expose the victim to risks. In cases of jilted or unrequited cyberstalking, a real or "doctored" photo may portray the victim in a sexually compromising position. Not only can everything you see on the Web be falsified, but some Web-based tools were created to doctor communications records that you would not normally associate with the Internet, as when a Web-based Caller ID Spoofing Tool was used to manufacture evidence one victim actually phoned his cyberstalker. Stalkers have even been known to impersonate authors in efforts to cancel speaking engagements.
Similarly, cyberstalkers may use or invent through aliases a confederate network to deliver a critical mass of false, fulsome, or frivolous complaints of abuse to a victim's providers of Web hosting, NNTP posting, or Internet Service. More options are available to the digitally savvy cyberstalker, who may use spam he routed through a victim's PC as evidence of victim abuse.
The cornerstone of the cyberstalker tactical plan is the lie ... and the truth. The same cyberstalker, in the same message, may disclose painfully accurate truths about who you are and where you can be reached and painfully inaccurate falsehoods. More typically, a cyberstalking gang divides this labor, with some members specializing in weaving lies out of whole cloth. In what amounts to great theater, the same cyberstalker may compose a message that feigns fly-on-the-wall knowledge of events / non-events in your life -- from your office to your bedroom. The division of labor available through gang stalking not only makes the individual stalker less conspicuous, but it can be used to divide the once-indivisible crime into a series of acts that cannot be considered criminal when viewed independently. Law enforcement officers are easily daunted by what they perceive as a prohibitively work-intensive challenge of identifying all the members of a cybergang and then attributing responsibility for various crimes or para-criminal acts among the members.
Cooperative networking may be used to recruit other belligerents and full-time flamers on the Web into the anti-victim gang(or to form such a gang). While the tactic sounds like great fiction, it is more the rule than the exception in Usenet's un-moderated "news groups."
In the era before Google, cyberstalkers in the instrumental genre were by and large impotent and could be effectively ignored. However Google gives cyberstalkers the power to affect the victim almost universally, in a way that compels the victim to monitor the cyberstalkers' activities for possible risks to his or her reputation, safety, employment and Web-based business. Many victims need a defensive strategy, a Web-based statement on the propaganda or harassment which, as you might suspect, also draws additional cyberstalking.”
This describes Brian CROW & Gang to a “T”!
More specifically, several years ago, Brian CROW was very aptly described, in writing, by Fred LLOYD AA7BQ the founder/owner of QRZ.com a.k.a. ‘QeerZ’ [no friend of mine — I assure you — but someone who knows Brian only too well] thus:
“K3VR is a bait-trolling bastard who gets his kicks out of pissing people off.”
For a laconic description, few capture Brian’s essence/persona better!
And if you think that Internet trolling is a harmless game, not correlated with serious underlying personality defects/unrelated to deleterious ‘real life’ consequences on its targets/victims, consider the latest scientific findings on the subject in Canada [from the Abstract: Trolls just want to have fun by Professor Erin E. BUCKELS et al.]:
“In two online studies (total N = 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.”
Or, in the vernacular/more expressive words of “Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People”, published by SLATE.com “Sadists just want to have fun”:
“In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that byhurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have apolarizing effect on audiences….
That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad:Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior. What’s more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits (except for narcissism) and the overall timethat an individual spent, per day, commenting on the Internet.”
Having presumably read down to this point, does this remind you of anyone? The 1st two guesses don’t count!
Most importantly in our specific amateur radio context, Brian CROW K3VR is the psychotic “leader” of a Gang of rogue American CB’ers-cum-radio amateurs — most of whom are Socio/Psychopathic and/or otherwise mentally defective — who a decade ago banded together ~14.275 MHz making it the latter-day radio version of an Insane Asylum…. BTW Research suggests that Socio/Psychopaths, like covert homo-sexuals especially — who, incidentally, are also over-represented in the group — apparently have a similar sort of IFF (Identification Fag or Foe) that allows them to recognize and bond with ‘their kind’ from an early age…. Hence, arguably, the double-strong bonding/banding….
As of early 2011 in part under duress from Laura SMITH of the FCC, Brian’s psychotic Gang moved back to its “ancestral home” of 14.313 MHz — yet still makes regular forays to interfere w/ me in the 14.270-.275 MHz range.
Among Brian CROW’s numerous mental and other defectives in the Gang are individuals with:
- Organic Brain Injury [usually to the Frontal Lobe e.g. ‘Mad Mikee’ GUERNSEY KZ8O/nd8v, Hector PADRON AD4C, etc.];
- Bi-Polar Manic Depression [e.g. ‘Miami Boob’ SHERIN W4ASX now W1ARL, Mike ‘Spaz’ SUNDERBRUCH K4QN, Todd ‘Bark’ BARKER KA5LYL, etc.];
- Autism [e.g. Rod SHERMAN KD0GQF — a ‘head-banger’ & ventriloquist — who talks on-air to his imaginary friend “Sol ROSENBURG”, etc.];
- Paranoia [e.g. ‘Rambo Dan’ JESWALD W4NTI, ‘Dimmy’ O’BRIEN W4AMP, Fred ROLL WW4Dummy, Todd ‘Bark’ BARKER KA5LYL, etc.];
- Obsessive-Compulsions [e.g. ‘Psycho Brian’ CROW K3VR, Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob, Randy BEST W7CPA, etc.];
- Schizophrenia [e.g. ‘Rambo Dan’ JESWALD W4NTI again];
- Multiple-Personalities [e.g. ‘Psycho Brian’ CROW K3VR again — listen carefully to his other personae on different Bands];
- PTSD [e.g. Herr-mann SEGLE N8GAV, ‘Rambo Dan’ JESWALD W4NTI again, again];
- Etc….
Many of these misfits are multiple and sometimes FRAUDulent Bankrupts, Convicts [including criminals convicted of prior Aggravated Stalking], some are on Welfare, others are in/out of psychiatric wards, while most collect stipends as a result of their mental and other deficits — and carry “Get Out of Jail Free” cards courtesy of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But, while “crazy”, to use the vernacular, some of them are far from stupid! Because most of them are fundamentally unemployable, they also have much time on their hands as a consequence and ~daily appear to feel an obsessive compulsion, individually and especially as a Gang, to prove to what passes for “normal” in the amateur radio and wider world, just how “smart” they really are…. This they often do by engaging in very risky and even Criminal ‘catch me if you can’ type behaviour. Apparently this is also a sometime characteristic of raving/hyper-homo-sexuals….
Again, if you think that what you just read, above and what follows on this Front Page as it relates to mental illness is hyperbole — THINK AGAIN, Again — and consider what Richard J. McNALLY a Professor of Psychology at Harvard and an advisor on the just-released DSM-5 [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders], wrote at the beginning of his recently published book What Is Mental Illness?:
“Nearly 50 percent of Americans have been mentally ill at some point in their lives, and more than a quarter have suffered from mental illness in the past twelve months. Madness, it seems, is rampant in America.
These startling conclusions emerged from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCSR), a study involving psychiatric interviews with a sample of more than nine thousand adults. Studies in other countries, for their part, seem to confirm the high level of mental illness in America. Consider two recent psychiatric surveys done in China and Nigeria. Both indicated that about 4-5 percent of the population had a mental disorder during the previous year, compared with 26 percent of people in the United States. Remarkably, Americans seem more vulnerable to breakdown than people in impoverished, often chaotic regions of the globe. Does affluence somehow breed mental disorder?”
The situation in American CB/amateur radio is arguably MUCH worse. Based on empirical, FCC administrative and other evidence — and particularly after the passage of the ADA ~twenty-three years ago and the more recent perversely titled Sec. 230 of the “Communications Decency Act” — mental illness in this HAMereekan sub-set on-air/on the WWW clearly appears to be OVER-represented….
Ergo, if ‘madness is rampant in America’, then it’s TRULY RAMPANT in American CB/amateur radio!
As part of this psychopathic mischief Brian CROW K3VR & Gang had for ~a decade illegally and even Criminally attempted to take ~exclusive control of 14.275 MHz and vicinity [and now 14.313 MHz], by among other things, engaging/‘specializing’ in:
- extremely malicious and deliberate jamming/QRM’ing [ß amateur shorthand for interference];
- FRAUDudulently ‘snitching’ in an attempt to affect others’ amateur radio licences;
- anonymously defaming their ‘targets’ on the Internet often via cloaked websites hosted from afar/abroad;
- SWAT’ing/making repeated FRAUDulent “terrorist”/Criminal allegations to various “Authorities”;
- FRAUDulently reporting former mariners [!] for making “false international distress calls” [ß sic];
- putting people on so-called terrorist “Watch Lists” [‘using’ US “Authorities” who patently have shit-for-brains];
- Criminal threatening — explicitly directed bodily harm and death included;
- sending me ‘white powders’ marked “Anthrax” through the mails [!]; and even, lately,
- levelling multiple allegations of conveniently unsolved brutal local murders [ß like this one], against me!
All this and more Brian CROW has visited upon me personally in the past ~8 years for his psychotic amusement presumably — most of it with the perverse tacit and in his last year at the FCC not so covert encouragement and approval of W. Riley HOLLINGSWORTH, the past Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement (“SCARE”)! Instructively, judging by the striking similarity of Riley’s off-the-wall diction and his documented consorting with and even perversely soliciting/engaging these deviants, vandals, criminals and retards to do his dirty work for him for years — Riley HOLLINGSWORTH K4ZDH may also be a mental defective [possibly a Bi-Polar] — especially since among numerous other very odd things said and done, he has publicly admitted to also having been “temporarily insane”….
Think I’m again over-stating as far as Riley HOLLINGSWORTH “soliciting/engaging these deviants… to do his dirty work for him” is concerned? THINK AGAIN, Again and again!
And consider the carefully chosen words of James DUGGER N4MXZ [a stranger to me] who apparently was a short-time law student and is a Broadcast Engineer, in There is a new sheriff in town on QRZ.com on 1 February 2009:
“I am talking about Mr Hollingsworth's network of 'informants'. This subject has been broached by hams for years. Here is what I know:
I have an entire packet of information (unsolicited) from Mr Hollingsworth asking me to help him in building a case against another ham; and detailing what he already had. This ham was a pain in the ass to be sure, but I had not personally made a complaint against him. A number of my 40m group were approached in this way as to this same ham. As I said in another post, my lawyer strongly advised me against this.
Another ham friend, whom I have known for over 25 years, was essentially recruited as a 'spy' against another group. His activities included almost daily cell conversations with RH for months. This is fascinating, as this ham was/is a part of my 75m group which many have considered to be very controversial if not outright outlaw for 26 years. True or not; my friend believed that if he cooperated with RH, his more questionable 75m activities would be overlooked.
Another group of rowdies on 40 had at least 4 of their members recruited to gather evidence against another group on 40. I know this personally to be true as I have seen the correspondence. Rumor has it that this was also true with a couple of situations on 20m. [ß sic]
That is how I define "snitches". Since these are just the ones I know about, how many were there that I don't?”
Suffice it to say that Brian CROW K3VR and his Criminal ‘LIEing ilk’ — as well as Riley HOLLINGSWORTH K4ZDH, their ‘perverse facilitator and protector’ — are the worst thing to have happened to amateur radio in the past decade….
For a thumbnail background only [see at least The Life of Riley and search on the WWW & elsewhere for much more on this], many of these same misfits engaged in the original infamous “Radio Wars” on 14.313 MHz for decades [but this was before my return to amateur radio]. Typical of Bullies, Racists, White-Supremacists, KKK-men and Neo-NAZIs — who, importantly, were and continue to be over-represented in the current group — they attacked weak maritime-mobile, foreign-speaking and especially Hispanic stations with virtual impunity for years…. Then, shortly before “9/11” most of these radio and other Criminals migrated to 14.275 MHz in order to ‘lay in wait’ for/start a pre-emptive “War” with Glenn BAXTER K1MAN who had declared his intention to re-start his “Bulletins” thereon. [FYI Jamming radio communications is a Criminal offence in Canada and virtually everywhere else in the civilized world — but not, apparently, in “StupidLand”.] After “9/11” under the Socio/Psychopathic leadership of Brian CROW K3VR and with the very curious co-operation of some so-called Boy Scout “leaders” and their charges [N.B. Glenn K1MAN reports that Brian has long had a predilection for young boys, hence the boy scouts — and as amply evidenced in his writings, still routinely “projects” this Paedophilia & Coprophilia] and with his usual close handful of fellow mental defectives, they FRAUDulently embroiled Glenn K1MAN with the FCC and by the end of 2005 effectively drove him out of the 20 m Band….
For a time, this Machiavellian approach Brian CROW K3VR shamelessly called his signature “K1MAN Treatment”….
For a slightly wider background/tie-in to all this insanity, consider what Lloyd A. DAVIES [N0VFP presumably] wrote in Will the great Radio and Flame Wars Ever end? on RadioBanter.com on 19 July ’06 — incidentally, just as Brian CROW was in turn getting seriously wrapped around my axle, by incipiently starting the www.suckK3Vroff.com website and its immediate pre-cursors:
“Some people don’t even know who started what. Some people just take sides for the heck of it. From 14.313 to the Hal Turner message board to NimBusters and from people like VonBluvens and Bill White (www.otherthrow.com) to Herb, KV4FZ and WA9KJI. Groups like the B.A.R.F. and the NSM (National Socialist Movement) have risen and fallen in the chaos.
But why do these little feuds keep going for? Is it for some greater good, or is it to satisfy someone’s ego? I just don’t understand.
First, it started back in the late 70's or 80's in the form of Radio Wars on the 20 and 75 meter ham bands. (Read the KV4FZ Story for more Background info.) It included all sorts of people, who have come and gone. Then The Great Liberty Net came to the scene, and it had its supporters and detractors as well. Glenn Baxter, K1MAN had his 15 minutes of fame too...
All that changed around late 1998 or so, when a "New Sheriff" came to town in the form of FCC's Riley Hollingsworth. He quickly went to work, sending out retest letters and giving people like 6 month suspensions and so forth. At that time, around the year 2000, people began to take the "Radio War" to the Internet. Newsgroups were spammed as people began to take their feuds online. Message boards like "NimBusters" were hangouts for this sort of trash. People like KV4FZ … were replaced by people like Internet talk show host Hal Turner. Radio clubs like the Better Amateur Radio Federation have faded away, only to be replaced by NimBusters and other related groups.
Will it ever end?”
Brian CROW is the self-appointed direct ‘Chaos Master’ successor to this apparently never-ending insanity….
I am Brian’s second main serial target [after K1MAN] in the past ~7 years — now just below 14.275 MHz and on 14.313 MHz — whereon he continues to play FRAUDulent “Patriot Games” w/ seeming impunity and worse:
- keeping the ‘Excited States’ safe from imaginary enemies foreign and domestic [despite, unlike me, having never “Served”];
- accusing me of being Anti-American [not yet — but Brian’s working on it — and I might oblige him, with a vengeance, soon];
- a Terrorist [the only one RMC ever produced, I suppose — eat your heart out West Point/Annapolis/USAFA];
- a Neo-NAZI and Anti-Semite [shameless psychotic “projection” — my Uncle was incarcerated in and barely survived Gross Rosen, etc.];
- Anti-Moslem and an Al Qaeda supporter [did I ever tell you that Brian is internally and externally inconsistent?];
- a Homo-Sexual and a Homophobe [ditto, about inconsistency — but what about my well-known predilection for ‘big tits’?];
- Racist [that’s why I’m a liberal, had a ‘smoked’ girl-friend from Guyana/have friends/my immediate family married ‘people of colour’, etc.];
- Anti-Hispanic [but, but… what about my surname, the moniker Comandante Carlos, etc., in my signature block, below];
- etc., etc.
Brian obviously is a FUCKTARD — but he is an HAMereekan FUCKTARD — so he gets away with this FORCE, FRAUD & PROPAGANDA!
Again, I trust that unlike Condoleezza RICE — my fellow Nominee for and Winner of the 2006 “Islamophobia
Award” [ß N.B. Brian CROW proposed me for the Award — click on both links+ in succession to verify this!] — the reader can literally and figuratively ‘connect the dots’, below and at least get an outline of this HAMereekan insanity…. BTW Congratulations, Condi, on your only real achievement — besides allowing “9/11” to happen and attacking Iraq — initially as NSA Advisor and then as Secretary of State….
Good Luck in the KKKontest, Brian CROW K3VR & Gang!
And may Al Qaeda drive your teeth out your assholes, Neo-CON Assholes!!!
But, to mis-quote “Dr. Foth”, I ‘doo digress’….
I run a ‘High-Q’ 5-element home-made mono-band antenna resonant on 14.274 MHz [being an amateur, I missed the ‘Polish International Calling’ (design) frequency of 14.273 MHz by 1 kHz], at a height of one wavelength above ground and only when required, as behooves ‘an exemplary Canadian radio amateur’, a 365 lb. linear amplifier with a “tube-with-handles”, HI [ß radio amateur shorthand for humour]….
Fittingly, “RADIO CANADA” is often the strongest station heard in the 14.270 MHz through 14.275 MHz ‘window’ [both the moniker “RADIO CANADA” which ™ I now ‘own’ and the strong signal piss the misfits off no end], unfortunately usually also being pursued/maliciously QRM’ed/jammed by the HAMereekan mental and other defectives already mentioned here, below and/or in The Life of Riley.
Keep The Faith that this too shall pass:
- once Bush & Co. have been “rendered” to The Hague;
- our ‘Bush Lite’ has been given the heave-ho; and
- Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR has been institutionalized and/or jailed —
or, if there is ‘no room at the Inn’ — found floating face-down in the village cess-pool….
73 GL & CUL ~14.273 MHz and occasionally on 14.313 MHz
© 2014
REALITY RESEARCH GROUP [There is no Gravity — the Earth & Brian CROW K3VR suck!]
Dipl(s) ULE, Hons B.A.(RMC), LL.B., M.P.A.
Captain [Ret’d] ADC
a.k.a. “Comandante Carlos”
Viva Madero [reportedly a distant relation], Villa y Zapata. Viva la Revolucion!
a.k.a. “Captain Canada”
a.k.a. “The Canadian Army of One”
a.k.a. “Commander, Al Qaeda Northern Command”
NOTE to readers in a hurry: Bookmark this site. The red-bulleted items are arguably more important….
NOTE to HAMereekans: Try to connect the coloured dots & simple 1-liners usually standing for 1 proposition only….
NOTE to those from ‘Stupid-Land’: This is NOT for you! ‘Rush’ back to watching LIMBAUGH/FAUX News….
SOME HUMOROUS READING [after you have at least read/perused The Life of Riley 1st, for context]
- N4DIA — ex-‘QeerZ’ Über-Administrator — Brian’s ‘Psycho’ Twin — ‘illuminating’ the corrupt regime at QRZ.com
- ‘Psycho’ Brian CROW K3VR wins Hamsexy’s Waste of Flesh Award™ while hiding behind a skirt!
SOME ‘UGLY HAMereekan’ MUG SHOTS — a.k.a. Al Qaeda Bait [more to come, soon]
- Mad Mikee — ‘Kalamazoo Cuckoo’ ND8V — now KZ8O — the ~500 lb. morbidly obese Neo-NAZI ‘brown-shirt’
- Mad Mikee’s CDN girlfriend/chamber-maid — going to “ride the adipose waves” at the ‘Flea-Bag Motel’
- Measure Mikee’s short reach here. Conclusion: he hasn’t handled his pisser — or wiped his rear — in years!
- Mikee KZ8O/nd8v & his ‘Control’ Brian K3VR — if you have more recent/compromising pics, E-Mail Me
- Suzannah N3XBU — boyish; protruding teeth may be from too much ‘oral’; apparently likes it ‘doggie style’
- N1FM/n1sob — ‘the biker-on-steroids on the wrong side of a tin badge’ [he was a BAD BULLY COP in Delray Beach, FL]
- Gerry N1GJT — “If David Duke told Gerry cat shit was peanut butter, he'd eat it.” © ‘Ranger Rick’ K1BQT
- Duane WV2B — 4-eyed quasi-mongoloid geek; ~well-meaning, but naiive/stupid ARRL OO Co-Ordinator!
- Clayton W4KVW — uncouth ~functionally-illiterate, obese, born-again-BULLY jail guard in Northern FL
- Rambo Dan W4NTI — perceptively portrayed as a pig by his friend Jon K1TP on the “un-HAM” website; SK
- Herr-mann N8GAV — a real ‘bag of nails’; one of Brian’s 3rd rank PTSD toadies, in/out of the mental ward!
- Steve KJ5T/kd5owo — pudgy, gender-uncertain, immature teen “tyrant” & compu-geek Mod on ‘QeerZ’
TWO ‘TRULY UGLY CDN’ MUGS — more to come, if you continue bad-mouthing me, Gerry
- “Anyone who would fuck this ‘ugger ‘ obviously is too lazy to masturbate.” [ß Cogent comment/thanks to © MWO Bart A.]
- “I wouldn’t fuck Patty with Brian’s cock!” © R. Gary ROBINSON
- “I wouldn’t fuck her with any cock.” © Brandon KD0BSH
- “K3VR is a bait-trolling bastard who gets his kicks out of pissing people off.” ß A MUST Peruse!
- Brian CROW — in his OWN Psychotic words — on the World-Wide-Wasteland….
- Brian K3VR is a Sexual Deviant, Paedophile & Coprophiliac ß A MUST Read!
- Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ WHATLEY, the Bully ex-COP & BAD HAM ß A MUST Read/Hear, inside!
- “ND8V is the worst Amateur Radio operator I have ever encountered. I was first licensed in 1951.”
- “Can you tell I'm pissed?” Laura SMITH to Randy ‘Racist’ BEST W7CPA one of the “14.275 Mafia”
- James O’BRIEN ‘de Turd’ W4AMP — STALKER; FCC problem-child; alcoholic QRMer; Bankrupt; CONVICT
- KD0GQF — Rod ‘Autistic Head-Banger’ SHERMAN a.k.a. Sol ROSENBURG sitting on his shoulder [under construction]
- “All the things that Dan W4NTI complains about he does himself….” ß ‘Rambo’ is now safely dead!
- “I'd hate to think Ham Radio needs a mental health database… but maybe we do”: W1ARL/w4asx
- “Funny that Karol MADERA, the so-called "Terror of 275" is the voice of reason here! HI HI”
- FUCK YOU RILEY !!! ß A REQUIRED Read about Riley’s corrupt FCC EnfArcement Regime!
- Tell Laura I LOVE HER….
- Your chronicle is at once precise, and sadly, disheartening. Chris MURDOCK WA1HOD — 7 Sep ‘06
- Robert WILLIAMSON — I have been listening to the activities on 14.275 for more than 6 months — 4 Jan ‘07
- Dr. Leo WINTER W2TIA — a ‘put up job’ by Brian K3VR & Tom N1FM/n1sob, that ~back-fired — 19 Apr ’07
- Les Bullshitters — it's time to educate the misfits on what it really means to be an American — 15 May ‘07
- “Ed KB3JGU” [‘spoof’] — now any Fucktard with a brain can see how Brian K3VR harasses — 26 Jun ‘07
- Joe N9PH — I confirm that the 3 stations are QRMing you tonight...very blatant — 3 Aug ‘07
- Mike N0xxx — I was absolutely amazed and shocked at the QRM that was happening — 26 Aug ‘07
- Bean Picker — Brian must NOT be allowed to determine who you choose to communicate with — 31 Aug ‘07
- You have to be very careful when listening to the activities on 14.275 — words for the inattentive — 6 Nov ‘07
- [CSIS] We have monitored some of your activity on 14.275 and find that you are much maligned — 29 Nov ‘07
- So-called Pro-Americans, jamming Fellow-Americans, accusing you of being Anti-American — 2 Mar ‘08
- Laura: I WILL enforce the rules against any Americans who cause harmful interference to Karol — 3 Mar ‘09
- Station VE7KFM appears to be a target of interference and harassment. An OO Report — 24 Apr ‘10
- You have more silent supporters down here in “stupid land” than you may realize — 1 Nov ‘11
- “Brian “cocksucker” Crow is the reason people have turned into monsters there.” — 18 Feb ‘12
- Carl MANISCALCO KJ6BSO [no friend of mine] reports: “A quote falsely attributed to me” — 13 Jun ‘13
- https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-14-1030A1.pdf
- https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-14-1031A1.pdf
- Mad Mikee GUERNSEY KZ8O/nd8v’s pig farm & auto scrap yard, now being foreclosed, in the swampy ‘boonies’, on the outskirts of K-Zoo: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTSN&cp=42.345218~-85.566408&style=h&lvl=18&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=551.310380461626&cam=42.345218~-85.566408&scene=20604715&phx=-0.143431809516158&phy=-0.311142295039824&phscl=3.98107170553498&encType=1
- ‘Psycho Brian’ CROW K3VR’s modest digs, collapsed tower & ‘killer’ vertical in Irwin, PA: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCC&cp=40.323644~-79.746908&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-33.99725388828&dir=6.87623763293089&alt=1257.00326712802&cam=40.310585~-79.746265&scene=24399747&phx=-0.00683459314841561&phy=-0.197904978080347&phscl=10.4375&encType=1
- Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob’s “acreage”, LP “stuck on the Pole” & above-ground swimming pool in Flo-RI-DUH: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=26.562184~-80.118868&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-38.6163070081661&dir=183.510797161794&alt=727.424185527489&cam=26.56956~-80.119014&scene=17885110&phx=0.344662365215904&phy=0.374342136078311&phscl=7.9176534393671&encType=1
- Thomas J. CROW, Brian’s father, had “issues” w/ a 3-letter alphabet-soup Agency [the IRS], HI… 1980
- Brian’s mother, Diana L. CROW Court INJUNCTION ß because of Domestic & Sexual Violence… 1995
- DISSOLUTION of MARRIAGE: Diana L. CROW & Thomas J. CROW — Brian’s parents split up in 1996
- MORTGAGE ß some evidence that the total CROW Family equity in 1996 was ~$6,000.
- MARRIAGE RECORD: Thomas Joseph CROW & Patrice Anne SKORNICKA ß Brian’s step-mother = same-age as he!
- FORECLOSURE: Brian’s step-mother loses her house in FL in 2006 — while Brian plays Riley’s Snitch/Bitch…
- T.J. CROW, Brian’s brother, declares BANKRUPTCY in 2008 — while Brian plays Stalker/Cyberpath on the WWW…
- State of Florida vs CROW, Patrice Anne ß Psycho Brian’s step-mother gets nailed for DUI… 2010
- Level of allowable American Diction & Criminality on-air: Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ N1FM/n1sob — 9 Sep ‘06
- Mikee ND8V/kz8o, Brian K3VR, Ron KI4LUB & Co. QRM’ing N9VTB & VE7KFM — 11 Dec ‘06
- The KKK is alive/well and QRM’ing VE7KFM & N9VTB on 14.275 — 21 Jan ’07 [say this wasn’t you, Mikee]
- Mikee KZ8O/nd8v harassment & real Polish/Jewish Hate Speech — 21 Jan ‘07 [hear also KKK above]
- Mikee ND8V/kz8o & Brian K3VR [on the phone] QRM’ing VE7KFM & defaming his Mother — 21 Jan ‘07
- Brian K3VR & Tom N1FM/n1sob, a BAD COP, admit to telephone harassment, a CRIME — 25 Jan ‘07
- Ron ‘Inbred Hick’ BARNETT KI4LUB gratuitously QRM’ing Donnie N4TAT/w4jyz & VE7KFM — 2 Mar ‘07
- “Extra” skill-testing question [for Riley/Laura/FCC/ARRL, etc.]: “Who is QRM’ing Whom?” — 26 Aug ‘07
- Unwanted, unsolicited, unanswered vile QRM’ing comments by Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR — 30 Aug ‘07
- Mad Mikee KZ8O-bese epitomizes “Real America” and confirms his usual MO on ~14.275 — 13 May ‘08
- Mikee KZ8O/nd8v showing HAMereekan tolerance/diversity: “don’t like niggers, never will” — 24 Apr ‘10
- K3VR’s “evidence” of the so-called “Plot” to Assassinate the American Ambassador to Canada!
- VE7KFM supposedly “planning” to smuggle a .50 Cal. Sniper’s Rifle across the border via Parcel Post
- K3VR’s “proof” as sent, that VE7KFM was a “terrorist” calling Al Qaeda — but hear Brian’s slightly longer clip, below…
- Compare above + only 10 secs more — where VE7KFM is calling the NSA ß why didn’t Brian send this one?
Brian ‘Disordered CROW’ K3VR about himself in his new Blog 19 Sep ’06 [which then quickly disparued]
- VE7KFM’s early description of Brian L. CROW K3VR — since a recent photograph was not yet available
- VE7KFM sending his best wishes to Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR [note Brian’s atrocious editing]
- Mon cher ami François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire et moi
- VE7KFM’s cogent advice regarding stupid people and mental defectives in numbers
- Mon cher ami Maxime sends a message to Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR en Français
- An exasperated VE7KFM unequivocally informing Brian K3VR QRM’ing him that the frequency is in use
- Brian CROW K3VR, Randy BEST W7CPA & Chuck O’NEAL K1KW in typical QSO on 14.275 — 1 Jan ‘07
- HAMereekan ‘Inbreds’: Mad Mikee KZ8O/nd8v & Ron KI4LUB discuss a dog licking himself — 21 Jan ‘07
- Mikee KZ8O/nd8v & Ron KI4LUB discuss the best part of marriage — HAMereekan class-act — 9 Mar ‘07
- Mad Mikee KZ8Obese — Randy W7CPA & Brian K3VR’s buddy — epitomizes “Real America” — 13 May ‘08
- Only Brian K3VR can be facetious — others risk being reported to Delusional Authorities — 18 May ‘08
- Brian K3VR ends QRM’ing QSO with Mikee KZ8O — who immediately starts Brian’s QRM Loop — 6 Aug ‘08
- K3VR’s outrageous MySpace link as taken down by my Police — 12 Apr ’06 - 9 May ’06
- Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR’s Coprophilia and hyper homo-sexual/anal/fecal fixation — 14 Dec ‘07
- Brian’s continuing hyper homo-sexual musings, ‘as-if-me’, on one of his Psychotic Blogs — 22 Mar ‘08
- “Oh how I love the salty taste of a Negro's load on my refined palette” — 21 Jan ‘09
- Brian CROW K3VR is the real raving QRM’ing Queen — 1st QRM’ing broadcast ~mid-2006
- Christmas KKKarol — Brian CROW K3VR QRM’ing VE7KFM — late-2006 [listen carefully to the lyrics & keyboard sounds]
- Proof that Brian K3VR & Mikee KZ8O/nd8v are illegal on-air clip players — 24 Jan ‘07
- Brian CROW K3VR & Chuck O’NEAL K1KW waxing sexually & homo-erotically — 24 Feb ‘07
- Chuck O’NEAL ‘de Turd’ K1KW learned all about antennas in a bath-house — 18 May ‘08
- Karol Congratulates Dr. PIPES — and himself — on their nominations for the 2006 IHRC Award
- Who are “Col. J.B. PHIPPS” & “Brian CROW” — and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things About Me?!*
- Liar — Whitney TRITCH KA3TKZ [now N3ZV] opines on Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR
- By their critics ‘ye shall know them’ — Karol to Dr. PIPES [suggesting he take down Brian’s dog-and-pony show]
- Geo. N9VTB letter of complaint to Chief Larry SCHROEDER, Delray Beach PD — 10 Jun ‘06
- VE7KFM unsolicited letter in support of N9VTB to Chief SCHROEDER — 19 Jun ‘06
- Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob & Co. criminally QRM’ing 14.273 MHz — 9 Sep ‘06
- Geo. N9VTB follow-up complaint to Chief SCHROEDER — 27 Oct ’06 — nothing heard, Larry, OVER…
- Friends, Frauds & Failures in Leadership at the Delray Beach PD
- Geo. N9VTB letter of complaint to Chairman FCC — 27 Oct ’06 — nothing heard, Kevin, OVER…
- Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob, a COP, admits to telephone harassment, a CRIME — 25 Jan ‘07
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2004/0612.html [now misdirected by ARRL] — 24 May ‘04
- ‘Rambo Dan’ JESWALD W4NTI invites his old friends off 14.313 to ‘jam’ VE7KFM — 23 Jan ‘07
- Dan W4NTI threatens VE7KFM with assault, battery, arson & vandalism — 23 Jan ‘07 [Bravo ‘Rambo’!]
- ‘Rambo Dan’ W4NTI & Co. in the group QRM’ing N9VTB and again/still threatening VE7KFM — 23 Jan ’07
- Typical psychotic/falsetto-voiced inappropriate comments by ‘Rambo Dan’ W4NTI — 30 Aug ‘07
- Warning Notice re malicious interference on 14.310 14.313 and 3.9 MHz 4 Nov ‘98
- Letter from Commission re complaints about ND8V station 19 Apr ‘00
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2000/1027.html 17 Oct ’00 half-way down page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2000/1127.html 14 Nov ’00 half-way down page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2001/1006.html 1 Oct ’01 half-way down page
- Warning Notice re failure to reply to October 2001 letter 6 Dec ‘01
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2002/0601.html 20 May ’02 last letter on page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2002/1224.html 25 Nov ’02 second-to-last on page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2003/0419.html 7 Apr ’03 two-thirds down page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2005/0123.html 14 Dec ’04 half-way down page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2005/0205.html 11 Jan ’05 half-way down page
- http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2005/0219.html 31 Jan ’05 two-thirds down page
- Mark’s intemperate comments; my 1st reply; and Mark’s usual syrupy response — echos still extant on eHAM
- My 2nd salvo; Mark’s shell-shocked reply/threat; and my coup de grace — no longer on eHAM
- Karol looking for love [from Alexandra NS6Y] in all the wrong places? [but see Mark’s false note, below]
- Mark K8MHZ can’t read Standard English and is a sanctimonious, lying piece of HAMereekan shit
- Some unrelated but cogent comments about Mark ‘Mr. Taliban’ K8MHZ on HamSexy [now also disparued]
- Karol MADERA VE7KFM sends another in a series of ‘love notes’ to Jon CUNNINGHAM K1TP
- Karol follows up with more ‘terms of endearment’ to Jon [and his AWT “UN-HAM” Website]
- K1TP is another piece of lying HAMereekan shit — stick to publishing naked women — they’ll be less costly
- Karol MADERA VE7KFM educating Jon K1TP on the basics of school-yard arguments in HIS Canada
- It’s disappointing that you continually post crap from Brian [unsolicited BCc of an e-mail to Jon]
- Brian CROW K3VR being Brian… [unsolicited BCc of an e-mail to Jon from “anonymous”]
- Center for Media Studies, my ass… [unsolicited BCc of a follow up to Jon from “anonymous”]
- Would the real Karol MADERA VE7KFM please stand up on The Island of Misfit Hams….
- “Because English is not my native tongue and otherwise” — mostly otherwise — Karol fishing for cluster-fucks!
- The lights on the Island were on, but nobody was home….
- Rules? What Rules? For the cognoscenti there are no rules! Or, Mike AL2N makes them up on the fly….
- HAMereekan FRAUDS: mainly Mike WOOD AL2N — the owner of/gnome on The Island of Misfit Hams….
- Weak, semi-rational voices, ‘crying in the wilderness’, on an otherwise patently barren Island….
- Put Up or Shut Up!!! [W2WTF, N3ATS, KU4MY & AL2N — do sign for the ‘registered mail’ coming — thanks.]
- N1FM/n1sob — Tom WHATLEY FL — ex-BULLY COP; into wideband SSB /re-broadcasting/QRM’ing/threatening; feeble-minded failed “politico”; LIAR
- KZ8O/nd8v — Mike GUERNSEY MI — awful audio; hyper-aggressive ‘redneck’/Neo-NAZI ‘brown shirt’; multiple FRAUDulent Bankrupt; “animal” on 20m; NAL
- W7CPA — Randy BEST AZ — into SDR & wideband SSB; alcoholic/druggie; part of afternoon shift; racist, QRM’er & ‘gun nut’; multiply censured by FCC; LIAR
- W4AMP — James O’BRIEN ‘de Turd’ GA — “redneck; troll; idiot; Dumb & Jimmy = Dimmy”; FCC problem; CONVICT; Alcoholic; STALKER; Druggie; Bankrupt
- WW6GUN — Jim RODGERS OK — morbidly obese, trike-driving, hyper-aggressive/violent/gun-toting/threatening newbie ex-CB harasser & war-monger; NFA
- W5KAW — Jerry BUCHANAN OK — CONVICT on probation for Federal FRAUD; Tony ALAMO follower/supporter; recently censured by FCC; sucks Brian’s cock
- KE9RY — Tom STECKBAUER WI — extreme ‘gun nut’; ex-BARF [= Neo-NAZIs ex old 14.313 Wars]; has pace-maker + amps [GL]; sick 30-yr 14.313 MHz misfit!
- N9RSY — Dan CHUROVICH TN — fined & censured by FCC; was a 3 mo. General ‘expert on all matters amateur’; alcoholic/druggie can’t spell his own surname!
- W5MI/ae5ui — Mike WILLIAMS LA — brand new ex-CB no-brains EXTRA; doesn’t know basic electricity; illiterate SPAMmer; sucks Brian’s cock; LIAR
- K0AXE — John BARBARA CO — “Barbara” is a 45 yr going-on 15 yr-old whiny cunt on-air and IDIOTIC/inarticulate poster on the WWW; sucks Brian’s cock
- K6JWB — John BERRY CA — 1-eyed newbie/CB’er/QRM’er, cruisin’ for a bruisin’/set to lose the other eye; Brian’s cock sucker; QRM’er & LIAR
- KA5LYL — Todd BARKER TX — another Bi-Polar; averred to Brian that: ‘he knew about Psychotics — having been in/out of Psych. Institutions all his life’!!!
- KE5WRT — James HIERS TX — a.k.a. “Dave”; Neo-NAZI/KKK wannabe @ DHS [Dep’t of Heimat Sicherheitsdienst]; may be ‘diddling’ his 11 yr-old daughter; MIA
- K4QN — Mike SUNDERBRUCH FL — a.k.a. ‘Spaz’; one of Brian’s many Bi-Polars, “expert” on all matters Psychotic; my long-time ANONymous QRM’er; MIA
- N2ETJ — Rick FIRMANI PA — Brian’s ‘mousy’ ~neighbour, runs ~3 KW into a vertical by way of QRM, to “talk” w/ ‘Psycho’ Brian <10 mi. away; MIA
- K1KW — Chuck O’NEAL ‘de Turd’ MA — hired gun/QRO QRM’er; still has panties in a knot because of K1MAN suit; ‘projects’ his paedophilia; LIAR; MIA
- WX4QN/wd4awo Bob EVANS TN — stop calling; ‘Coo Coo’; recently censured by FCC; Disfellowshipped J-W; apparently terminally ill; MIA
- K3PZ — Paul ZORA FL — very short-service faggy ex-Marine/right-wing ‘whacko’; advocated murdering wounded enemy combatants; Bravo! MIA
- WW8BOB/n8jox — Bob WOODFORD MI — “Uncle Tom” w/i a mi. of KZ8O; ‘hare lip’; gave Fat Mikee ‘fig leaf’ to QRM ~14.275 w/ impunity; MIA
- W4KVW — Clayton YARBROUGH FL — obese, ~functionally-illiterate, born-again-bully in “Lew EnfArcement” a.k.a. jail guard; LIAR; MIA
- W1ARL/w4asx — Bob SHERIN FL — Bi-Polar Boob; see ‘shrink’ weekly, instead of monthly for your “Sanity Assessments”[!!!]; stay off ~14.275/14.313 MIA
- AD4C — Hector PADRON FL — uncle Fidel will finish your lobotomy free of charge & strongly suggests that you stay away from ~14.275/14.313 MIA
- N1GJT — Gerry MEL CT — aggressive right-wing ‘whacko’; Rambo Dan’s ‘Radio Wars’ freak sidekick ex-14.313; rabid racist, biker & ‘gun nut’; MIA
- KI4LUB — Ron BARNETT FL — “Goofy”-sounding junk-yard tow-truck driver/CB’er; functionally-illiterate/suicidal ‘hick’ from ‘StupidLand’; MIA
- K4RUB (SK) — Rube LLOYD FL — Rude Rube is now telling his favourite ‘Polak’ joke to Lucifer: “How can you tell a Polish woman has her period?”
- W4NTI (SK) — Dan JESWALD AL — now giving “Tarzan” yells as Lucifer probes his ass-hole with a roughly-sharpened, heavily-weathered fence-post!
- VE1IDX (+) = Garth FAULKNER NS — CB’er; “QRN” [now “Captain Kilowatt”]; can’t spell “psychotic” [2-ce] yet started a thread under that title!
- VE1BXK = Lorne ANDERSON NS — “What a jerk”; Newfie-Scotian jumping to confusions about a test signal on 14.275 MHz; sucks Brian’s cock
- VE2TKH/va2tkh = Steve TOUPIN QC — appears to have played Hercule POIROT w/ Psycho Brian, in his one & only post [!] on RadioRef.; Bravo!
- VE2XIP = Richard CORBEIL QC — Basic grenouille newbie “monitoring” WWW; cochon Québécois accusing me — getting QRM’ed — of causing QRM!
- VA2WT = Guy COSSETTE QC — cochon ~threatened me w/ RCMPussies in only his 2nd post on ‘QeerZ’; drank Psycho Brian’s Cool-Aid, despite NAL
- VA3AWP (+) = Andrew WALKER ON — CB’er w/ shit-for-brains; drug abuser; runs illegal amp; Brian’s recent CDN cock-sucker ex-75m
- VE3ZZK (SK) = Robert FLOR ON — Fag wrote/Ate Shit & Died of AIDS [ß N.B. Brian]; Waldka VE3DXP Robercik-pedal zdechl; MIA
- VE3FMC = Richard PETERSON ON — “nut case”; opined about 20m ops w/o even having a 20m ant.; inattentive Keyboard-Kommando; MIA
- VE3IRA (+) = David WELCH ON — CB’er; FYI I did 3 consecutive tours — as an Officer — before you were even born, CDN FUCKTARD! MIA
- VA3WE = Paul WAYDA ON — “scumbag”, “Satanist”, “paedophile” — and distant “Polish prick”/gigolo unable to spell his own surname! MIA
- VE4CFR = Jeff HELPS MB — Brian’s early unprincipled ‘bum-boy’; craven, treasonous, ill-info. collaborator behind the scenes; MIA
- VA4KGB = Ken BARBOUR MB — Brian’s grenouille de Winnipeg errand-boy to Peter WARREN, described as: “ludicrous in the extreme”; MIA
- VE4FH = David BOWER — machine-mode QRM’er; illiterate reservist in the ‘slacker service’; LIAR; Brian’s CDN cock-sucker; MIA
- VE4SR = Ron SAMCHUK MB — “precious”/sensitive sounding, heavy-bottom-voiced ex-teacher — into Brian & “Boy Scouts”; MIA
- VE7DCW (+) = Gerry SAELENS BC — CB’er; Brian’s obese/androgynous Van Isle STALKER & HARASSER; toils for ‘ugger‘ at ‘Flea-Bag Motel’
- VA7BCR (+) = Dan BORTHWICK BC — CB’er/Pirate/Criminal; said not to mind Brian calling my Mother a whore — because his was/is one!
- VE7NOT (+) = Simeon TODORUK BC — CB’er/admitted jammer/chicken-plucker [ß lit.]; “Simple Simeon”: CDN version of KI4LUB; MIA
- VE7SYG a.k.a. VE7KOJ, VE7KOH & VE7KOI = Ethann KEPLAR BC — FRAUD, THIEF, LIAR and PSYCHOPATH [more info. coming, soon]
- VA7LNX = Donovan HILL BC — CDN newbie idiot can’t hear me, but sides w/ self-confessed mental-defective Keyboard-Kommando [KC9NRN]
- Profile of the Serial Bully ß Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR
- Profile of the Sociopath ß Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR
- The Greatest Problem Faced By Mankind — by Robert CANUP ß an interesting read in the wider context
- The Science & Business of Cyberstalking ß a must read [sadly, the original Link is now broken/missing, so go to THIS]
- Plausible Lies — the ratio of Lies-to-Truth in the World is ~400:1 ß Brian K3VR proves this daily on the Web; also now broken!
Henk van DALEN VE9HV Apology [ß scroll down to 13 Nov ’10 to see the Apology there, for now]
Gwynne DYER [and not just because my ‘baby sister’ invited him to speak at her Commencement, either]
- Brian K3VR & Susannah N3XBU & Nina WHATLEY are a ‘threesome’, cuckolding [?] Tom N1FM/n1sob
- Congress dons rubber glove, prepares probe of FCC chairman
- Riley K4ZDH calls Karol VE7KFM then wimps out, citing QRM [the “Director’s Cut”, HI] — 6 Apr ‘08
- FCC SCUM still thinks it’s above the Law — Bill W6WBJ ripping Riley/the FCC another asshole — 15 Apr ‘08
- Kevin STROM WB4AIO Brian K3VR’s Guru, Neo-NAZI & Liberty Net Honcho GOES TO JAIL — 21 Apr ‘08
- US Appeals Court finds that FCC Violated Administrative Procedures Act and Law — 25 Apr ‘08
- The Reverend Dr. Brian CROW delivers Sermons to his “Jammers For Jesus” [AC5IU, K3PZ, KI4LUB]
- Brian CROW K3VR “testing” on a freq. in use — note the Psychotic mocking tone/MO — 17 Apr ‘08
- Rambo Dan ‘Paranoid Schizophrenic Man’ W4NTI & Co. QRM’ing VE7KFM — 20 Apr ‘08
- Fat Mikee KZ8O and fellow White-Trash Ron KI4LUB usual terms of endearment to contesters — 3 May ‘08
- Mikee KZ8O, Rambo W4NTI & ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR making friends & influencing people — 13 May ‘08
- Randy W7CPA confirms that Mikee KZ8O QRM’ed Michael W0YR & that 14.272-.278 is lawless — 13 May ‘08
- Bill W6WBJ/n6ayj 1st Epistle to “Princess” Riley of the FCC [ß a long but humorous read] — Sep ‘00
- “Hi, Brian.” Bill updates Brian CROW K3VR, Riley’s “snitch”/bitch, about A.R.S. W6WBJ
- It is time for the ALJ to call the Bureau’s bluff….
- Bill’s partial laundry list of illegal practices by Riley ‘Rot’ HOLLINGSWORTH(less) K4ZDH….
- Judy LANCASTER one of Riley/Brian’s 3 DOUCHEBAGS, Gets Fucked [by Titus KB7ILD] — 10 Mar ‘10
- “Wild Bill” hammers the ALJ & FCC for demonstrated: “immorality”, “bias” & “prejudice” — 30 Aug ‘10
AND IF I POST THIS IS IN ALL CAPS YOU MAY NOT REALIZE I'M A BLUFFING BULLSHITTER, JUST LIKE RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH, ESQUIRE. - Can you tell I'm pissed? I just got my period and I'm wearing a white pants suit!
- If you haven't yet figured it out let me clue you in here -- My Prozac prescription expired 5 days ago!
- I use pink stationery just like Todd's blog, which is an absolute disgrace….
- Laura "on too much caffeine" at the Gettysburg Bath House [ß Don’t mimic my diction w/o credit, Dimmi!]
- 14275 Saga Provokes 1,000 Word Email Rant by New FCC Enforceress
- As for the numerous unknown individuals in violation of part 97….
- She continued in the same vein, throughout 7 paragraphs of excited rhetoric.
- We wish Laura Smith luck in her quest to track down and write letters to the hundreds of anonymous Americans….
- However, Ms. Smith's good intentions notwithstanding… the ingenuity of those jamming… and the sheer number of those engaged in civil disobedience, will be a source of continued frustration for Ms. Smith.
- 'Ms. Smith's' views in colorful language… may offend some readers.
- We decline to publish personal attacks against Ms. Smith.
- Some of our readers have stated their intention to send the email to Dr. Kent Nilsson, FCC Inspector General, and to Kris Monteith, Chief of the FCC Enforcement Bureau, and others, including their Congressional Representatives, asking if Ms. Smith's hire truly represents the best interests of the people of the United States.
- Others wrote to ask whether she was completely and properly vetted for the job; why the FCC hired someone with no experience in amateur radio matters; and if her hiring (at $200,000 ++) including salary and benefits, is really an appropriate use of taxpayer money, at a time of fiscal crisis.
- Ms. Smith came under fire in February and March, regarding what some called her 'shoot from both hips' approach to enforcement….
- In March, a potentially embarassing [ß sic] email, written by Ms. Smith, was sent to two FCC licensees, concerning official Commission business.
- Online repartee referred to Ms. Smith's communication as a "1,000 word rant" that one reader described as “PMS on Steroids.”
- According to our tips line, complaints were made to the FCC hierarchy regarding Ms. Smith's email, which has been termed "horrifying" and "abusive" by one present, and one former FCC employee, who both asked to remain anonymous.
- We agree that 1st Amendment issues should be carefully guarded, indeed they should be sacrosanct….
- Ms. Smith's email has left us all shaking our heads and wondering.
- We wonder too if Julius Genachowski, Michael Copps, and the Full Commission, will agree with Ms. Smith….
- Smith's email of March, 2009 to two Arizona amateur operators exemplifies everything that's wrong with some of the attitudes in the federal government.
- Laura Smith's email, and her complete and utter failure to publicly apologize [ß N.B. Look up this same odd obtuse approach/FRAUDulent ‘formulary’ used by Psycho Brian on eHAM.net (written ‘as if’ by “Matthew GRAVES” via the SARC): “Glenn Baxter, Ex-K1MAN Asked to Apologize for Racial Slurs”] for her abusive rhetoric, is the kind of mean-spirited, arrogant, big government, holier-than-thou, talking-down-to-the-citizenry, CRAP that President Obama should attempt to completely purge from government, if he really wants to avoid widening the "confidence gap." [ß The best thing OBAMA could/should do is put the plethora of US “confidence men” a.k.a. ‘con men’, like YOU, in jail.]
- It's not just the blatant appearance of nepotism involved in Smith's hiring. Her husband and father-in-law both work/ed [ß sic] for the FCC, leading to an appearance of impropriety, at the very least. [ß Don’t imitate my writing style, Dimmi!]
- It's not the fact that she doesn't qualify for the most basic amateur radio license, yet she's tasked to exhibit expertise about the service.
- It's not the fact that she appears to lack subject matter competence when it comes to analyzing the technical matters required to do her job properly.
- It's not even the lack of punishment involved in the Indianapolis Police Department Radio Scandal, that frankly stinks to heaven.
- It's not any of those things. Rather, it's her smug, condescending, abusive treatment of taxpayers and other FCC stakeholders that makes Laura Smith a DUD in her role as Special Counsel.
- Laura Smith is ham radio's new poster child for what's wrong with the federal government….
- I can't imagine why Laura Smith is still on the FCC's payroll.
Zdrastvootie STRELNIKOV
ReplyDeleteWhy did you post this and why do you damn Karol VE7KFM with faint praise and worse in your opening note in particular? A slow day in the BlogoSphere/on the World-Wide-Wasteland? Your ~creative juices, such as they are, weren't flowing on the 2nd Anniversary of the Inauguration of your Kremlin Kandidat [sic]? Are you a witting and/or unwitting Durny Chelovek? Is Gestapo MUELLER II breathing down your neck? Etc.?
But I digress....
A year or two ago I recall you had some spirited, humorous, but fundamentally friendly exchanges on ~this subject with a CDN [or some such moniker], on a forgettable anti-something-or-other Blog that you were then also running.... This, after you allowed some of Karol's detractors to take ANONymous swipes at him thereon. Once CDN showed up with 'the other hand clapping', you [or whoever was running the Blog], quickly folded your tent and disparued.... Why was that?
Now, in the preamble to the Brian CROW-like "cuntpasting", you're making direct if relatively mild aspersions about Karol and copying a significant but incomplete part of Karol's (c) work, apparently without permission, contrary to law. And this from a previous poor copy published, thankfully in its entirety, by some third party here: http://archive.fo/8PaKP
In your preamble you offer/conflate sensational opinion ["Screaming", "Rage"], with unsubstantiated rumour ["yanked"] and other easily debunked patent falsehoods/inferences/conclusions [the SHAW BS mainly].... From what I recall reading of your WWW prose, you're usually better/more accurately informed and more correct/careful than that....
Moving forward, IF you want to constructively engage on this topic, why don't you succinctly point out to your readership, such as it may be, that Karol not only successfully operationalized the two "Blessed Events" of 22 July 2014 but was/is also de facto part of the unprecedented Federal Court Agreement/Prohibition/Restraining Order:
"Besides paying [$7,000.], Crow agreed that his license operating class will be reduced to Technician class for the next six months and agreed to discontinue contact with the individuals involved in this case."
Yay! It's VE7KFM in the flesh!